Students get through the TN Board 11th Bio Zoology Important Questions Chapter 1 The Living World which is useful for their exam preparation.

TN State Board 11th Bio Zoology Important Questions Chapter 1 The Living World

Answer the following.

Question 1.
Define Ecosystem?
The ecosystem is a community of living organisms (plants and animals), a non-living environment (including minerals, climate, soil, water; sunlight), and their interrelationships.

Question 2.
Define biological diversity?
The presence of a large number of species in a particular ecosystem is called ‘biological diversity or in short ‘biodiversity’.

Question 3.
What is called classification?
Classification is a process by which things are grouped in convenient categories, based on easily observable characters. The scientific term used for these categories is taxa.

TN Board 11th Bio Zoology Important Questions Chapter 1 The Living World

Question 4.
What are the key characters of living organisms?
The key characters of living organisms are cellular organization, nutrition, respiration, metabolism, growth, response to stimuli, movement, reproduction, excretion, adaptation, and homeostasis.

Question 5.
Define taxonomy?
Based on their characteristics, all living organisms can be classified into different taxa. This science of classification is called taxonomy.

Question 6.
What are the basic principles of classification?

  1. To identify and differentiate closely related species:
  2. To know the variation among the species.
  3. To understand the evolution of the species.
  4. To create a phylogenetic tree among the different groups
  5. To conveniently study the living organisms

Question 7.
What are the main criteria for systematics?
The main criteria of systematics are identifying, describing, naming, arranging, preserving, and documenting the organisms. Apart from the above-said features, the evolutionary history of the species and the environmental adaptations and interrelationship between species are also being investigated in systematics.

TN Board 11th Bio Zoology Important Questions Chapter 1 The Living World

Question 8.
How did Aristotle classify the animals?
Based on the presence or absence of red blood cells. Aristotle classified the animals into two as Enaima with blood and those without blood as Anaima.

Question 9.
What is cladistics?
Biologists initiated studies on the evolutionary and genetic relationships among organisms, which led to the emerge of phylogenetic classification or cladistics. It is an evolutionary classification based on how a common ancestry was shared. Cladistic classification summarizes the genetic differences between all species in the ‘phylogenetic tree’.

Question 10.
Define cladogram?
Ernst Haeckal introduced the method of representing evolutionary relationships with the help of a tree diagram known as cladogram.

Question 11.
What are the points to be followed to draw a cladogram?
Phylogenetic system of classification takes into account ancestral characters (traits of basic body design which would be in the entire group) and derived characters (traits whose structure and functions differ from those of ancestral characters). One or more derived characters which appeared during evolution resulted in the formation of new subspecies. In a cladogram, each evolutionary step produces a branching and all the members of the branch would possess the derived character which will not be seen in organisms below the particular branch point. Arranging organisms on the basis of their similar or derived characters which differ from the ancestral characters produced a phylogenetic tree or cladogram.

TN Board 11th Bio Zoology Important Questions Chapter 1 The Living World

Question 12.
What is the Five Kingdom classification? Who proposed this?
Five kingdom classification defined by R.H. Whittaker as Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia based on the cell structure, mode of nutrition, mode of reproduction, and phylogenetic relationships.

Question 13.
Which aspect paved the way for three domain classification?
Classification has come a long way and now takes into account even molecular level DNA and RNA identification. The advancement in molecular techniques and biochemical assays has led to a new classification – The “Three Domain” classification.

Question 14.
Who proposed three-domain classification? What are the features of this classification?
Three domain classification was proposed by Carl Woese. This system emphasizes the separation of prokaryotes into two domains. Bacteria and Archaea, and all the eukaryotes are placed into the domain Eukarya. Archaea appears to have more in common with die Eukarya than the Bacteria. Archaea differ from bacteria in cell wall composition and differs from bacteria and eukaryotes in membrane composition and rRNA types.

Question 15.
What are the three domains of living things? Write it with examples.
Three domains are Archaea, Bacteria, Eukarya.

(Three Domains)
ARCHAEA (Extremophiles)BACTERIAEUKARYA (Eukaryotes)
Methanogens, Halophiles, ThermoacidophilesCyanobactiera & Eubacteria, beneficial & pathogenicProtista, Fungi, Plants Animals

TN Board 11th Bio Zoology Important Questions Chapter 1 The Living World

Question 16.
Why domain Archaea are called extremophiles?
The domain Archaea includes single-celled organisms, the prokaryotes which have the ability to grow in extreme conditions like volcano vents, hot springs, and polar ice caps, hence are also called extremophiles. They are capable of synthesizing their food without sunlight and oxygen by utilizing hydrogen sulfide and other chemicals from volcanic vents.

Question 17.
Define the following terms – (i) Halophiles, (ii) Methanogens, (iii) Thermoacidophiles.

  1. Halophiles: Organisms that live in salty environments are called Halophiles.
  2. Methanogens: Some of the extremophiles that produce methane are called methanogens.
  3. Thermoacidophiles: Thermoacidophiles thrive in acidic environments and at high temperatures.

Question 18.
Name the two broad classifications of Bacteria?
Bacteria are of two types. They are beneficial probiotic bacteria and harmful pathogenic bacteria.

Question 19.
What is the role of Cyanobacteria dulling eat ly geologic periods?
Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic blue-green algae during geological periods which produce oxygen. These had played a key role in the changes of atmospheric oxygen levels from anaerobic to aerobic during the early geologic periods.

Question 20.
Classify the organisms as per the seven kingdom system of classification?
In 1987, Cavalier-Smith revised the six kingdom system to the Seven Kingdom system. According to that, the classification is divided into two Super Kingdoms (Prokaryota and Eukaryota) and seven kingdoms, two Prokaryotic Kingdoms (Eubacteria and Archaebacteria) and five Eukaryotic Kingdoms (Protozoa, Chromista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia).

Question 21.
Define species?
Species are the basic unit of classification in the taxonomic hierarchical system. It is a group of animals having similar morphological features (traits) and is reproductively isolated to produce fertile offspring.

TN Board 11th Bio Zoology Important Questions Chapter 1 The Living World

Question 22.
Differentiate monotypic and polytypic genus?
Genus: It is a group of closely related species which have evolved from a common ancestor. In some genus, there are only one species which is called a monotypic genus.
eg. Red panda is the only species in the genus Ailurus: Ailurus fulgens. If there are more than one species in the genus it is known as polytypic genus, eg. ‘Cats’ come under the genus Felis, which has a number of closely related species.

Question 23.
Define family?
It is a taxonomic category that includes a group of related genera with less similarity as compared to genus and species. For example, the family Felidae includes the genus Felis (cats) and the genus, Panthera (lions, tigers, leopards).

Question 24.
Define class?
This category includes one or more related orders with some common characters, eg. order Primata comprising monkeys, apes, and man is placed in the Class Mammalia, along with the order Carnivora which includes dogs and cats.

Question 25.
Write the resultant animal when there is a cross between (i) a Male donkey with a female horse, (ii) a male lion with a female tiger, (iii) a male tiger with a female lion.

  1. Male donkey with female horse results in Mule. (Sterile)
  2. Male lion with female tiger results in Liger.
  3. Male tiger with female lion results in Tigon.

Question 26.
What is Binomial nomenclature? What is its significance?
Biologists follow universally accepted principles to provide scientific names to known organisms. Each name has two components, a generic name, and a specific epithet. This system of naming the organism is called Binomial Nomenclature.
Classification and grouping were done to facilitate a deeper understanding of the unique characteristics of each organism and its interrelationship among closely related species.
It plays a vital role in the arrangement of known species based on their similarities and dissimilarities.

TN Board 11th Bio Zoology Important Questions Chapter 1 The Living World

Question 27.
Write down the binomial names for the following (i) National Bird of India, (ii) National Animal of India, (iii) Tamil Nadu State Bird.

  1. National Bird of India – Pavo cristatus (Indian Peafowl)
  2. National Animal of India Panthera tigris (tiger)
  3. Tamil Nadu State Bird – Chalcophaps indica (Emerald dove)

Question 28.
When does the system of trinomial nomenclature is followed?
When members of any species have large variations then a trinomial system is used. On the basis of dissimilarities, this species gets classified into subspecies.

Question 29.
What are the basic rules followed for naming the animals scientifically? (or) Describe the rules of Nomenclature.

  1. The scientific name should be italicized in printed form and if handwritten, it should be underlined separately.
  2. The generic name’s (Genus) first alphabet should be in uppercase.
  3. The specific name (species) should be in lowercase.
  4. The scientific names of any two organisms are not similar.
  5. The name dr abbreviated name of the scientist who first publishes the scientific name may be written after the species name along with the year of publication, eg. Lion-Felis Leo Linn., 1758 or Felis Leo L., 1758.
  6. If the species name is framed after any person’s name the name of the species shall end with ‘i’, ‘ii’ or ‘ae’. eg. A new species of a ground-dwelling lizard (Cyrtodactylus) has been discovered and named after scientist Varad Giri, Cyrtodactylus varadgirii.

Question 30.
What are the tools used for the study of taxonomy?
Tools and taxonomical aids may be different for the study of plants and animals. Herbarium and Botanical garden may be used as tools for the study of plant taxonomy. In the case of animal studies, the classical tools are Museum, Taxonomical Keys, and Zoological and Marine parks.

TN Board 11th Bio Zoology Important Questions Chapter 1 The Living World

Question 31.
What are the components of taxonomical tools?
The important components of the taxonomical tools are field visits, survey, identification, classification, preservation, and documentation.

Question 32.
Differentiate museum from the zoological park?
Museum: Biological museums have a collection of preserved plants and animals for study and ready reference. Specimens of both extinct and living organisms can be studied.
Zoological parks: These are places where wild animals are kept in protected environments under human care which enables us to study their food habits and behavior.

Question 33.
What are the recent molecular tools used for taxonomical studies?
DNA hybridization (measures the degree of genetic similarity between pools of DNA sequences), DNA fingerprinting (to identify an individual from a sample of DNA by looking at unique patterns in their DNA), Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLP) analysis (difference in homologous DNA sequences that can be detected by the presence of fragments of different lengths after digestion of the DNA samples), and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) sequencing (to amplify a specific gene or portion of a gene,) are used as taxonomical tools.

Question 34.
Give the abbreviations for the following: ALIS, DAISY, ABIS, SPIDA, Draw wing.

ALISAutomated Leafhopper Identification System.
DAISYDigital Automated Identification System.
ABISAutomatic Bee Identification System.
SPIDASpecies Identified Automatically (spiders, wasp, and bee wing characters).
Draw WingHoney Bee wing identification.

TN Board 11th Bio Zoology Important Questions Chapter 1 The Living World

Question 35.
Write about some taxonomical tools.

  1. Neo taxonomical tools: This is based on Electron Microscopy images to study the molecular structures of cell organelles.
  2. Ethology of taxonomical tools: Based on the behavior of the organisms it can be classified. For example sound of birds, bioluminescence, etc.
  3. e-Taxonomic resources: INOTAXA is an electronic resource for digital images and descriptions of the species which was developed by the Natural History Museum, London. INOTAXA means Integrated Open TAXonomic Access.

Question 36.
What is Tautonymy?
The practice of naming the animals in which the generic name and species name are the same is called Tautonymy. eg. Naja naja (The Indian Cobra).

Question 37.
What kind of adaptations extremophiles have to live in extreme conditions.

  1. Extremophiles are capable of synthesizing their food without sunlight and oxygen by utilizing hydrogen sulfide and other chemicals from volcanic vents.
  2. Methanogens produced methane.
  3. Halophiles live in salty environments and thermoacidophiles thrive in acidic environments and high temperatures.

Question 38.
Why T. aquaticus is used in PCR?
T. aquaticus: Thermus aquaticus.
PCR: Polymerase chain reaction.
The DNA polymerase found in Thermus aquaticus remains stable even at very high temperatures.
Because of this stability, it can be used in the process known as PCR.

Question 39.
If you discover a new species how will you name them nominally?
Before naming a new species there are certain pre-requisites that need to be followed. Initially, a holotype must be designated. A holotype is nothing but a single specimen that serves as the identifier for the entire new Species. The holotype must possess the key features that differentiate the new species from the existing ones i.e., it must be unique. The details of the origin of the holotype, the environment in which it was collected and its paratypes must be provided.
Secondly, a description of the species must be provided. The definition must be in terms of behavioral, anatomical, and genetic marks of the new species.
Thirdly, the species must be allocated a new name. Species are always identified by both a generic name and a species name. The generic name of the species is the genus to which it belongs to and then the new species name is added. There are several rules and conventions involved in creating and managing the names of the new species.
Finally, the details of the newly found species must be published in an internationally accessible format and archived in multiple locations.

TN Board 11th Bio Zoology Important Questions Chapter 1 The Living World

Question 40.
Why pig-nosed frog in India is called Bhupathy’s purple frog?
Scientists have discovered a new and unusual species of frog in the Western Ghats mountain. range in India.
The frog has shiny, purple skin. The scientists have called the new species as Bhupathy’s purple frog, in honor of their colleague Dr. Subramaniam Bhupathy, a respected herpetologist who lost his life in the Western Ghats in 2014.

Question 41.
Where did they discover a freshwater jellyfish in Tamilnadu?
Freshwater jellyfish are extremely rare. Ishaan Abraham Pichamuthu, the nine-year-old boy, discovered a new species of freshwater jellyfish thriving in the depths of Kodaikanal lake.

Question 42.
What are the newly discovered species in India?

  1. 55 vertebrates and 258 invertebrates are the new animal species discovered in India.
  2. Insects 97 species. Fishes 27 species, Amphibians 12 species, Platyhelminthes 10 species, Crustacea 9 species, Reptiles 6 species have been discovered and described by the scientist.
  3. Moths and butterflies 61 species, Beetles 38 species also identified.
  4. Most of these new species were from biological hotspots of the country, – the Himalayas, the Western Ghats, and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Question 43.
How to save endangered species.

  1. Preventing listed species from being killed or harmed.
  2. Protecting habitat essential to the survival of endangered species.
  3. Creating plans to restore a healthy population of endangered animals.
  4. Never purchase products made from threatened or endangered species.
  5. Don’t use toxic herbicides or pesticides.
  6. Support zoos and other wildlife parks.
  7. Defending and strengthening the endangered species act.
  8. Advocating for increased funding for conservation programs that benefits endangered species.
  9. Slow down while driving in forest areas and watch out for wild animals cross the road.
  10. Preserving water bodies in habitats of endangered species to ensure then sustaining.

TN Board 11th Bio Zoology Important Questions Chapter 1 The Living World

Question 44.
What are the different taxonomical tools? Explain in detail.
Tools and taxonomical aids may be different for the study of plants and animals. Herbarium and Botanical garden may be used as tools for the study of plant taxonomy. In the case of animal studies, the classical tools are Museum, Taxonomical Keys, and Zoological and Marine parks.
The important components of the taxonomical tools are field visits, survey, identification, classification, preservation, and documentation. Many tools are being used for taxonomical studies, amongst them, some of the important tools are discussed below:
The classical taxonomical tools:
Taxonomical Keys: Keys are based on a comparative analysis of the similarities and dissimilarities of organisms. There are separate keys for different taxonomic categories.
Museum: Biological museums have a collection of preserved plants and animals for study and ready reference. Specimens of both extinct and living organisms can be studied.
Zoological parks: These are places where wild animals are kept in protected environments under human care which enables us to study their food habits and behavior.
Marine parks: Marine organisms are maintained in a protected environment. Printed taxonomical tools consist of identification cards, descriptions, field guides, and manuals.
Molecular taxonomical tools:
Technological advancement has helped to evolve molecular taxonomical tools from classical tools to molecular tools. The accuracy and authenticity is more significant in the molecular tools. The following methods are being used for taxonomical Classification.
Molecular techniques and approaches such as DNA barcoding (short genetic marker in an organism’s DNA to identify it as belonging to a particular species), DNA hybridization (measures the degree of genetic similarity between pools of DNA sequences), DNA fingerprinting (to identify an individual from a sample of DNA by looking at unique patterns in their DNA), Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLP) analysis (difference in homologous DNA sequences that can be detected by the presence of fragments of different lengths after digestion, of the DNA samples), and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) sequencing (to amplify a specific gene or portion of a gene,) are used as taxonomical tools.
Automated species identification tools:
It consists of Cyber tools, eg. DAISY, ALIS, ABIS, SPIDA, Draw wing, etc.

ALISAutomated Leafhopper Identification System.
DAISYDigital Automated Identification System.
ABISAutomatic Bee Identification System.
SPIDASpecies Identified Automatically (spiders, wasp, and bee wing characters).
Draw WingHoney Bee wing identification.

Neo taxonomical tools: This is based on Electron Microscopy images to study the molecular structures of cell organelles.
Ethology of taxonomical tools: Based on the behavior of the organisms it can be classified. For example sound of birds, bioluminescence, etc.
e-Taxonomic resources: INOTAXA is an electronic resource for digital images and descriptions of the species which was developed by the Natural History Museum, London. INOTAXA means Integrated Open TAXonomic Access.

Choose the correct answer.

1. The term bio-diversity was first introduced by:
(a) A. G. Tansley
(b) Walter Rosen
(c) Aristotle
(d) AP de Candle
(b) Walter Rosen

2 is called as the father of taxonomy:
(a) Carolus Linnaeus
(b) Aristotle
(c) Theophrastus
(d) John Ray
(b) Aristotle

3. The word taxonomy was coined by:
(a) AP de Candolle
(b) Ernst Haeckel
(c) Carl Woese
(d) Smith
(a) AP de Candolle

4. The father f modern taxonomy is:
(a) John Ray
(b) Huxley
(c) Darwin
(d) Carolus Linnaeus
(d) Carolus Linnaeus

TN Board 11th Bio Zoology Important Questions Chapter 1 The Living World

5. According to Aristotle, the animals with red blood cellš are called:
(a) Anaima
(b) chromista
(c) Enaima
(d) Protozoa
(c) Enaima

6. Five kingdom classification was proposed by:
(a) Walter Rosen
(b) R.H. Whittaker
(c) AG Tansley
(d) Bauhin
(b) R.H. Whittaker

7. Three domain classification was proposed by:
(a) Carl Woese
(b) Huxley
(c) Varad Gin
(d) Aristotle
(a) Carl Woese

8. Prokaryotes that have the ability to grow in extreme conditions are called:
(a) Probiotic
(b) Pathogenic
(c) Extremophiles
(d) Archaea
(c) Extremophiles

9. The cell wall of bacteria contains:
(a) Glycogen
(b) Peptidoglycans
(c) Polypeptides
(d) Histones
(b) Peptidoglycans

10. Seven Kingdom system was proposed by:
(a) Cavalier-Smith
(b) Adams
(c) AG Tansley
(d) Walter Rosen
(a) Cavalier-Smith

11. Mating between the male lion and female tiger results in:
(a) Mule
(b) Tigon
(c) Liger
(d) Feus
(c) Liger

TN Board 11th Bio Zoology Important Questions Chapter 1 The Living World

12. The scientffic name of human is:
(a) Homo erectus
(b) Homo sapiens
(c) Emberi
(d) Umano
(b) Homo sapiens

13. The binomial name of Indian National Bird is:
(a) Pavo cristatus
(b) Homo sapiens
(c) Ailurusfulgens
(d) Fells maigarita
(a) Pavo cristatus

14. The binomial name of National animal of India is:
(a) Panthera tigris
(b) Corvus splendens
(c) Felis domestica
(d) Liger
(a) Panthera tigris

15. ‘Origin of species’ the book that explains the evolutionary connections of species by the process of natural selection, written by:
(a) Linnaeus
(b) Aristotle
(c) Darwin
(d) Lamark
(c) Darwin

TN Board 11th Bio Zoology Important Questions Chapter 1 The Living World

16. India has about …………. number of threatened species of animals as per the data given IUCN.
(a) 172
(b) 72
(c) 127
(d) 721
(a) 172