Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Pdf Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Solutions Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

12th English Guide In Celebration of Being Alive Text Book Back Questions and Answers

Textual Questions:

1. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences based on your understanding of the lesson: (P.No. 70)(Note: IQ —> Important Questions)

Question a.
What thoughts troubled Dr. Christiaan Barnard as he neared the end of his career as a heart surgeon?
Towards the end of his career, Dr. Christiaan Barnard was troubled by the suffering of people and especially of young children. He could not accept the fact that 12 million children are unlikely to reach the age of one and about 6 million children die annually before reaching the age of five.

Question b.
What were Dr. Barnard’s feelings when he was hospitalized after an accident?
Dr. Barnard had a feeling about why his wife and himself had to suffer.

Question c.
When and where did the accident occur? (IQ)
He and his wife were crossing the road after a lovely meal. A car hit him and knocked him into his wife. His wife was thrown into the other lane and was struck by a car coming in the opposite direction.

Question d.
How did the hospitalization of Dr. Barnard and his wife affect their routine?
Dr. Barnard was not able to attend to the patients who were waiting for him to operate on them. His wife was not able to take care of her young baby.

Question e.
How was Dr. Barnard’s attitude to suffering different from that of his father’s?
Dr. Barnard’s father accepted suffering as God’s will. He also believed that suffering ennobles humans. But Dr. Barnard found no meaning in the agony and suffering of patients and especially of the young children.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

Question f.
How was the unattended trolley put to use? (IQ)
The unattended trolley was used as a car for a race (Grand Prix of Cape Town’s Red cross children’s’ hospital) within the hospital.

Question g.
What roles did the duo take up?

  1. The two boys took the roles of a driver and a mechanic
  2. The blind boy was the mechanic and the boy with on arm was the driver.

Question h.
Why did the choice of roles prove to be easy for them?
The mechanic provided motor power by galloping along behind the trolley with his head down. The driver steered the trolley by scraping his foot on the floor. The choice of the roles was easy because the mechanic was totally blind and the driver had only one arm.

Question i.
Who encouraged them and how?
The other patients encouraged them by laughing and shouting.

Question j.
What does Dr. Barnard compare this entertainment to?
Dr. Barnard compared the trolley race as much better entertainment than anything anyone puts on at the Indianapolis 500 car race.

Question k.
What happened in the grand finale? (IQ)
The grand finale led to the scattering of plates and silverware placed on the trolley.

Question l.
How does Dr. Barnard know the boy who played the trolley’s driver?
Dr. Barnard knew the trolley’s driver better. He had successfully closed a hole in his heart a few years back.

Question m.
What was the profound lesson that Dr. Barnard learned from the boys?
The profound lesson that Dr.Barnard learned was that the business of living in the celebration of being alive.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

2. Answer the following questions in three or four sentences: (Text Book Page No. 71)

Question a.
Detail the statistics Dr. Barnard has provided in his speech.
Of the 125 million children bom that year, 12 million are unlikely to reach the age of one. Another six million will die before the age of five. Among the rest, many will end up as mental or physical cripples.

Question b.
What happened when the doctor couple was crossing the street?
When they were crossing the street a car hit him and knocked him into his wife. She was thrown into the
other lane and struck by a car coming from the opposite direction.

Question c.
What injuries did they sustain in the accident?
Dr. Barnard had eleven broken ribs. A lung was profoundly perforated. His wife had a badly fractured shoulder.

Question d.
Dr. Barnard couldn’t find any nobility in suffering. Why?
Dr.Barnard couldn’t find any nobility in suffering because a sufferer would move restlessly with his mind filled with agony.

Question e.
Why does Dr. Barnard find the suffering of children heartbreaking?
He has always found the suffering of young children heart-breaking. Especially because they have total faith in doctors. They believe doctors will help. They don’t complain even after undergoing a mutilating surgery.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

Question f.
How did the boy who played the mechanic lose his eyesight?

  1. One night his mother and father were drunk.
  2. His mother threw a lantern at his father which missed and broke over the child’s head and shoulders.
  3. He suffered severe third-degree burns on the upper part of his body and lost both his eyesight.

Question g.
Why does Dr. Barnard describe the blind boy as a ‘walking horror’?
At the time of the Grand Prix, the boy was a walking horror. His face was disfigured. A long flap of skin was hanging from the side of his neck to his body. As the wound healed around his neck, his lower jaw became gripped in a mass of fibrous tissue. The only way he could open his mouth was to raise his head.

Question h.
What were the problems the trolley driver suffered from?

  1. The trolley driver had a hole in his heart which was successfully closed by Dr.Barnard.
  2. He also suffered from a malignant tumour of the bone because of which his shoulder and arm were amputated.

3.Answer the following in a paragraph of 100 – 150 words each: (P.No. 71)

Question a.
Give an account of the medical problems for which the two boys were hospitalized.
The seven years old mechanic suffered third-degree bums on the upper part of his body. He had lost both his eyes. He was literally a walking horror. He was disfigured. A long flap of skin was hanging from the side of his neck to his body. As the wound healed around his neck, his lower jaw became gripped in a mass of fibrous tissue. The trolley driver had a malignant tumour of the bone. A few days before the race, his shoulder and arm were amputated. There was little hope of his recovery. If two adults had similar ailments, they would have got dejected with life. But the boys were just happy celebrating the joy of being alive.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

Question b.
“These two children had given me a profound lesson …” Elucidate.
Question c.
Describe the ‘Grand Prix’ at Cape Town’s Red Cross Children’s Hospital.
Question d.
How did a casual incident in a hospital help Dr. Barnard perceive a new dimension of life?
The author describes the event as “the Grand Prix of Cape Town’s Red Cross Children’s’ Hospital”. A nurse had left a breakfast trolley unattended. Very soon this trolley was commandeered by a daring crew of two, a driver and a mechanic. The mechanic provided motor power by galloping along behind the trolley head down. While the driver, seated on the lower deck held on with one hand and steered it by scrapping his foot on the floor. The choice of roles wags easily because the mechanic was totally blind and the driver had only one arm. It was better than the Indianapolis 500 car race. Patients shouted and cheered the boys. There was a grand finale of scattered plates and silverware before the nurse and ward sister took control of the situation.

Question e.
Life is unjust and cruel to certain people. Do they all resign themselves to their fate? Can you think of some who have fought their disabilities heroically and remained a stellar example for others? (for e.g. the astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, a paraplegic). Give an account of one such person and his/her struggle to live a fruitful life.
It is a true fact that life is unjust and cruel to certain people. But they all do not resign themselves to their fate. In this context it is worth mentioning Divij Shah who is a one-handed cycling champion, He lost his right hand in an accident when he was four. Determined not to define that mishap in his life, he has experienced way more than the average person with two hands. In his teens, he played for West Bengal’s U-16 cricket team. Constantly looking for challenges, he also took upcycling. After meticulous practice, he bagged silver at the Asian Para-cycling championships that took place a few months ago. At present, Divij has his eyes set on becoming a champion in the 2020 Paralympics.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive


In celebration of being alive is an extract of Christiaan Barnard’s speech wherein he narrates an incident which took place in his hospital. It is this incident which made him look at the positive aspect of life. He and his wife met with an accident a few years back. They both were affected very badly. Barnard had eleven broken ribs and a perforated lung and his wife had a badly fractured shoulder. He had a bad feeling about why his wife and himself had to suffer.

4 Better person:
He remembered his father’s words who was of the view that suffering ennobles one and makes one a better person. Barnard found the suffering of children heartbreaking.

In the hospital:
A ‘Grand Prix’ of cape town’s red cross children’s hospital made him perceive a new dimension of life. A nurse had left a breakfast trolley unattended which was taken possession of by two bold and daring boys. One acted as a driver and the other a mechanic.

The mechanic who was seven years old suffered severe third-degree burns on the upper part of his body and lost both his eyes. The trolley’s driver had a hole in his heart which was successfully closed by Dr. Barnard. Later he was hospitalized again because he had a malignant tumour of the bone out of which his shoulder and arm were amputated.

Life lesson:
The patients encouraged them by their shouts and laughter. It was a much better entertainment the result of which was the scattered plates and silverware placed on the trolley. After the Grand Prix, the driver who had a little hope of recovery proudly informed Dr. Barnard that the trolley’s wheels were not properly oiled but he was a good driver and he had full confidence in the mechanic.

Thus the action of the two children made Dr. Barnard realize the fact that the business of living is the celebration of being alive. He also realized that what is important is what you’ve left and not what you’ve lost.
Learn to live in the sufferings

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

Go through the lesson and spot the words which mean the same as the following: (Text Book Page No. 71)

Question 1.
profession (para 1)

Question 2.
sorrowful (para 2)

Question 3.
decency (para 5)

Question 4.
destiny (para 6)

Question 5.
hijacked (para 8)

Question 6.
motivation (para 9)

Question 7.
serious (para 10)

Question 8.
significant (para 13)

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

b) Go through the lesson and spot the words opposite to the meaning of the following:
Question 1.
rare (para 1)

Question 2.
primitive (para 6)

Question 3.
fiction (para 7)
witness / fact

Question 4.
fearful (para 8)

Question 5.
benign (para 11)
Question 6.
diffidence (para 11)
hope, confidence

Question 7.
boredom (para 12)

Question 8.
criticize (para 13)

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

c) Frame illustrative sentences to distinguish the meaning of the words in the following clusters: (Text Book Page No. 72)

  1. career — carrier — courier
  2. patients — patience — patents
  3. accident — incident — incidence
  4. scraping — scrapping — scrubbing
  5. accept — except — expect
  6. lesson — lessen — lesion
  7. severe — sever — sewer
  8. raise — rise— rice
  9. quiet — quite — quit
  10. final — finale — feline


1. careerJob, Professionshe likes to pursue her career in medicine.
carrierTransport people or goodsI will call a baggage carrier to help me.
couriera person whose job is to carry letters, important papers urgentlyA courier has arrived and there is a letter for you.
2 .patientsthe person receiving medical treatmentThere are many patients waiting in the hospital.
patienceremain calm and not angryMy grandfather didn’t have the patience to wait in the hospital.
patentsthe document shows that this is your right ‘An invention is not your own until it is patent.
3. accidentan unpleasant event that happens unexpectedlyA bus met with an accident yesterday.
incidentsomething that happens unusuallyIt was an incident that happened yesterday.
incidencethe number of time something happensThere is still a high incidence of Malaria in the area.
4. scrapingsomething you do not want any moreI heard the scraping of the spoon in the bowl.
scrappingto get rid of something that you do not want any moreThe government is scrapping the idea of collecting road tax.
scrubbingto clean with soap and water by rubbing it hardShe started cleaning the over with the scrub sponge.
5. acceptto agreePlease accept my gift.
exceptnot includedAll the students submitted their homework except Ram.
expectthink, beliefI expect my father to arrive at my home at this time.
6. Lessonsomething should be learnedThe teacher teaches her lesson in English.
lessento become lessThe govt decided it lessen the burden of the students.
lesionan organ that has suffered damage through injuryHer daughter suffered a brain lesion at birth.
7. severeseriousI had severe pain in my leg yesterday.
severto cut into two piecesHis finger was severed in the accidents.
seweran underground pipe that carries human wasteThe pond stank like a sewer.
8. raiseto liftShe raised her both arms above her head.
riseto move upwardsThe sun rises in the east.
ricebrown grainI like to eat rice every day.
9. quietcalmRamu is a quiet boy in the classroom.
quitenot veryIt was quite impossible to do this work.
quitgive upI want to quit my bad habits.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

d) Fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets: (Text Book Page No. 72)
[profound, amusement, confidence, agony, solace, intrepid, disfigured, perforated]

Question 1.
Theatrical plays were a main source of ___________ before the advent of television.

Question 2.
The __________ warriors of the Spartan Army marched into battle against a powerful enemy.

Question 3.
The ___________ of parents finally came to an end when their lost child was found with the help of police.

Question 4.
Social media has brought about a ________ impact on the lives of millennials.

Question 5.
The tires of the car got ________ when the vehicle rolled over the rusted nails scattered on the road.

Question 6.
Thomas Alva Edison did not lose his, ________ even after facing a series of experimental failures in his quest to discover tungsten.

Question 7.
Many victims of the pipeline explosion in an oil refinery were left permanently ________.

Question 8.
The old lady found ________ in the company of the children in the neighbourhood.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

e) Form a phrase with each of the following pairs of nouns given below: (Text Book Page No. 72)

Here is an example from the lesson:
fibre + tissue — fibrous tissue

Question 1.
muscle + pain
Muscular pain

Question 2.
skeleton + system
skeletal system

Question 3.
nerve + disorder
nervous disorder

Question 4.
digestion + enzymes
digestive enzymes

Question 5.
surgery + instruments
surgical instruments

Question 6.
agony + experience
agonic experience

Question 7.
glory + victory
glorious victory

Question 8.
fancy + idea
fanciful idea

Question 9.
emotion + song
emotional song

Question 10.
sense + issue
sensible issue / sensitive issue.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

f) Fill the empty boxes with suitable words under each word class: (Text Book Page No. 73)

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g) Spot the errors in the following sentences and rewrite them correctly: (Text Book Page No. 73) 

Question 1.
My grandfather is well-known in the village for his noble deeds.

Question 2.
I had my evening meals in a restaurant near my office.

Question 3.
The Boss had full confidence in his Manager for the successful completion of the project.

Question 4.
After the complicated surgery, the patient hoped to complete recovery.

Question 5.
The new health care scheme announced by the Government will bring relief to the children suffering with acute tuberculosis.

Question 6.
In spite of his poverty and setbacks, was able to launch his dream carrier.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

Listening: (Text Book Page No. 73)

Listen to the passage being readout. Based on your understanding, complete the statements given below with appropriate answers:

Question 1.
Boredom occurs when a person is unable to ________.
stay attentive

Question 2.
________ and ________ are emotional consequences of boredom.
Anger, frustration

Question 3.
Two physical signs of acute boredom are ________, ________.

  • eyelids droop
  •  the frown on the face

Question 4.
How does boredom affect the quality of work a person does?
A bored person commits a lot of errors in his work.

Question 5.
Mention two ways by which one can overcome boredom.

  • exercise
  • set goals and work for them

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

Speaking: (Text Book Page No. 73)

Question 1.
You are rushing to attend to important work and you witness an accident on your way. Will you go to the rescue of the injured person? Share your views with the class.
It is human nature to help the suffering. If I happen to see an accident while going on important work, I would go to the rescue of the injured person. While I was going out on important work, I happened to see an accident on the road. An old lady who was crossing the road was knocked down by a car. She fell down on the road with bleeding injuries. I immediately went to her, tied a cloth around the injured place to stop bleeding, and took her to a nearby hospital in, an auto-rickshaw. The doctors treated her injuries and her life was saved. I informed her relatives about the accident and they rushed to the hospital. They thanked me for helping the old lady.

Question 2.
Every person should take up the responsibility to serve society in his or her own way. Discuss the various ways in which you can serve society.
Every citizen has the responsibility to serve society. There are many ways of helping the needy. Plastic has ruined the environment. The government is taking various, steps to ban the use of plastic. Awareness should be created among the public about the dangers of using plastic. I would form a small group of my friends and try to bring awareness to the public by meeting members of every household in my locality. Planting trees is very important. I will contact people, try to plant saplings wherever it is possible. I would meet the children in the locality and their parents and request them to inculcate healthy habits in their children regarding personal hygiene.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

Dialogue: (Text Book Page No. 73)

Here is a conversation between a student who wishes to open an account and a bank clerk. (Text Book Page No. 74)
Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive 2
Student: Good morning, madam.
Bank Clerk: Good morning, what can I do for you?
Student: I would like to open an account in your bank.
Bank Clerk: Are you a student of a school or a college?
Student: I am a student of Govt. Hr. Sec. School, Tirunelveli.
Bank Clerk: Why do you want to open an account?
Student: My class teacher advised me to open an account to receive the monetary benefits from government schemes.
Bank Clerk: Here is an application form to open an account in our bank. Fill it up.
Student: Should I enclose any document with the form?
Bank Clerk: Yes. You should enclose a valid identity proof and an address proof that are approved by the government.
Student: Madam, can I submit the form and documents tomorrow?
Bank Clerk: Okay. You need to make an initial deposit of Rs. 500/- to open an account.
Student: Sure Madam, Thank you.
Bank Clerk: You are welcome.

a) Pair work: Practise the dialogue with another student. Then write a similar dialogue between a student and the class teacher regarding an educational trip: (Text Book Page No. 74)

Student: Good morning Mam.
Teacher: Yes, Good morning what about our educational trip?
Student: Yes Mam, I have come to speak about that.
Teacher: Did you inform all the students about it?
Student: Yes, Mam. I have informed all the students. But some of them are not willing to come.
Teacher: Why? Any problem?
Student: Yes Mam, Money is the only problem for them.
Teacher: OK, Give me the list of the students who are willing to participate in the educational trip.
Student: Yes Mam, I will give it at once.
Teacher: OK, see you in the classroom.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive.
b) Build a conversation for the following situations with a minimum of five exchanges: (Text Book Page No. 74)

1. A passenger and a railway staff regarding the cancellation of the reserved tickets:
Passenger: Good Morning Sir.
Staff: Good morning, what can I do for you?
Passenger: Sir, I want to cancel my reserved ticket.
Staff: Why? What ¡s the reason?
Passenger: My grandfather is dead. So I am unable to go now.
Staff: 0k, It’s all right.
Passenger: Will you refund the money, Sir?
Staff: Yes, please fill the cancellation form.
Passenger: Sure sir, Thank you very much.
Staff: You are welcome.

2. Two friends about the NSS camp which they are going to attend:
Ramu: Hai Rahul, How are you?
Raghul: I am fine. How are you?
Ramu: lam fine. Are you coming to the NSS camp?
Raghul: Yes, I will come. What about you?
Ramu: Yeah! I will also come.
Raghul: Are you willing to participate in any programme?
Ramu: Yes, I will.
Raghul: Shall we speak about the danger of plastics?
Ramu: OK. It’s a good idea.
Raghul: OK, Ram we shall meet in the NSS camp.

3. A salesman and a customer at an electronic shop:
Salesman: You are welcome Sir. what do you want?
Customer: May I have a mixie?
Salesman: Yes, off course. which company do you want sir?
Customer: I want to buy preethi sir.
Salesman: Please come to this side.
Customer: what is the price of it?
Salesman: It is only Rs.3500 sir.
Customer: Does it have any warranty
Salesman: Yes, sir It has 10 years warranty.
Customer: 0K sir, I take this one.

4. A father and his daughter about the advantages of the habit of newspaper- reading:
Father: Do you read any newspaper regularly?
Daughter: Yes dad, I am reading the newspaper daily.
Father: Ws nice. Do you think reading newspaper is essential?
Daughter: Certainly. In fact, it is a storehouse of knowledge.
Father: What can you learn from it?
Daughter: I can learn about world trade, commerce, politics, films, games, and sports, etc from it.
Father Now, what is your suggestion for others?
Daughter: I want to say that everybody should read at least one newspaper daily.
Father: Okay, It is a good habit, and keeps going.
Daughter: Thank you, Dad.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

c) Extend the conversation with two more relevant exchanges: (Text Book Page No. 75)

1. Receptionist: Good evening, sir. Welcome to Chennai.
Traveller: I would like to book a deluxe room in your hotel for 3 days.
Receptionist: Single room or double room?
Traveller: Double room, please
Receptionist: Sir, give me your Aadhar card.
Traveller: I have my driving license only
Receptionist: 0k. That will do sir.

2. Student: Good morning, sir. May I come in?
Teacher: Good morning, why are you late today?
Student: My bus broke down on the way. So I had to walk to school.
Teacher: Go and inform the HM.
Student: Yes sir, I will inform him.
Teacher: Get his permission and then enter the classroom


Reading Comprehension: (Text Book Page No. 75)

Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

Humans have long been fascinated by fiction. We experience the excitement in assigning supernatural power to
imaginary characters in fictional stories and so we have Spiderman, Batman, He-man, Titans, and many more. The ‘Cyborg’ was an offshoot of such wild imagination of humans to invest our species with superhuman powers. Today, the Cyborg is no more an imaginary organism. We are living in a world where a sizeable population of humans has merged their bodies with technological implants. The term Cyborg, short for ‘cybernetic organism’ was coined to describe a man, whose body is implanted with technological devices to supplement and substitute body functions.

Cyborgs include people with cardiac pacemakers, contact lenses, bionic ears and eyes, prosthetics, and so on. In other words, a cyborg is partly human and partly machine. The technological innovations in the field of medicine and healthcare augment humans with machines, producing a beta version of the human body. The advent of brain-machine interfaces is certain to blur the boundary between humans and machines. Scientists are working hard to find a technique for age reversal too. People do not want to die, so mankind is striving to get to the final frontier, which is the development of machines and devices that would accord man immortality.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

The needs of humans are not limited. As time passes, food habits change, thinking patterns change, and even appearances change. We are about to travel by driverless, fully automated vehicles. Computers and smartphones have become our masters. The more we depend and merge with technological advancements, the more the humanness in us slowly erodes. Intelligence is sought to be infused into machines and robotics are designed in such a way to give the man a virtual human companion. The field of artificial intelligence is overtaking the human brain and many fear that it could even harm the human race. Despite certain limitations and potential threats, many believe that cyborgs will be the next step in the evolution of mankind. The amalgamation of man and machine is sure to add a new dimension to the life of mankind and this will prove to be the biggest evolution in Biology’ since the emergence of life, four billion years ago.

Question a.
Account for the popularity of characters with supernatural powers. (Text Book Page No. 76)
Humans have long been fascinated by fiction. We experience the excitement in assigning supernatural power to imaginary characters in fictional stories

Question b.
Who is referred to as a ‘Cyborg’?
The ‘Cyborg’ was an offshoot of such wild imagination of humans to invest our species with superhuman powers. Today, the Cyborg is no more an imaginary organism. We are living in a world where a sizeable population of humans have merged their bodies with technological implants.

Question c.
What is expected to happen with the advent of the brain-machine interface?
The advent of brain-machine interfaces is certain to blur the boundary between humans and machines.

Question d.
The needs of humans are not limited. How is this statement elaborated in the passage?
The needs of humans are not limited. As time passes, food habits change, thinking patterns change, and even appearances change. We are about to travel by driverless, fully automated vehicles. Computers and smartphones have become our masters.

Question e.
How can a machine turn into a virtual companion for humans?
The more we depend and merge with technological advancements, the more the humanness in us slowly erodes. Intelligence is sought to be infused into machines and robotics are designed in such a way to give man a virtual human companion.

Question f.
Explain the flip side of the rapid technological advancement.
Scientists are working hard to find a technique for age reversal too. People do not want to die, so mankind is striving to get to the final frontier, which is development of machines and devices that would accord man immortality.

Question g.
Identify the word in para 1 which means ‘everlasting life’.
Long – immortality

Question h.
Which of the following words is synonymous with ‘amalgamation’?
a) recreation
b) integration
c) exploration
d) proposition

Question i.
Which of the following options is the antonym of the word ‘advent’?
a) drawback
b) dispute
c) departure
d) danger

Question j.
Find out the word which is the antonym of ‘natural’ in para 2.

Active and Passive voice: (Text Book Page No. 76)

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive 3

Task 1:
Change the following sentences into Passive Voice: (Text Book Page No. 77)

Question a.
Governor inaugurated the exhibition at ten o’clock.
The exhibition was inaugurated by the Governor at ten o’clock.

Question b.
The crowd expected their leader to arrive early in the morning.
Their leader was expected to arrive early in the morning by the crowd.

Question c.
Who taught her Computer Science?
By whom she was taught computer science?

Question d.
They unanimously named Ravi the captain of the team.
Ravi was named the captain of the team unanimously by them.

Question e.
The President gave the commander an award.
The commander was given an award by the president.

Question f.
Do not tell a lie.
Let not a fie be fold.

Question g.
Please open the door.
Let the door be opened.

Question h.
It is time to stop work.
Let the work be stopped by this time / It is time the work is stopped.

Question i.
They say he is a spy.
It is said by them that he is supposed to be a spy.

Question j.
One should keep one’s promise.
One’s promises should be kept.

Question k.
People burn a great deal of wood in winter.
A great deal of wood is burned by people in winter.

Question l.
Where had you kept the book?
Where had the book been kept by you?

Question m.
When did you feel the tremors?
When was the tremors felt by you?

Question n.
How did you do the experiment?
How was the experiment done by you?

Question o.
Whose car did someone park in front of your gate?
Whose car was parked by someone in front of your gate?

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

Change the following sentences into Active Voice: (Text Book Page No. 78)

Question a.
The smuggler has been nabbed by the police.
The police have nabbed the smuggler.

Question b.
By whom were you interviewed?
Who interviewed you?

Question c.
Why were you scolded by your parents?
Why did your parents scold you?

Question d.
Not a word was spoken by the convict in self¬defence.
The convict did not speak a word in self defence.

Question e.
Good news is expected shortly.
They expect Good news shortly.

Question f.
The mail has just been received.
They have just received the mail.

Question g.
Sundari has been taken to the hospital by her husband.
The husband has taken Sundari to the hospital.

Question h.
Our television is being repaired now.
He is repairing our television now.

Question i.
Sweets have not been distributed to children by the organisers.
The organisers have not distributed sweets to children.

Question j.
Prizes were being given by the chief guest.
The chief guest was giving the prizes.

Question k.
Nobody has been seen in the library this week.
I have seen nobody in the library this week.

Question l.
Nobody would have known the truth if you had not disclosed it.
The truth would not have been known if it had not been disclosed by you.

Question m.
You are advised to help the poor and needy.
You have to help the poor and needy.

Question n.
You are requested to make a cup of tea for the guest.
Please make a cup of tea for the guest.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

Question Tags: (Text Book Page No. 79)

Task 1:
Add suitable question tags to the following sentences and punctuate properly: (Text Book Page No.81)

Question 1.
The children are very happy today.
Aren’t they?

Question 2.
You have not returned my books yet.
Have you?

Question 3.
We enjoyed the trip very much.
Didn’t we?

Question 4.
Let’s clean the shelves this weekend.
Shall we?

Question 5.
My mother rarely travels by bus.
Does she?

Question 6.
Somebody must bell the cat.
Mustn’t someone?

Question 7.
Anita never comes late to the office.
Does she?

Question 8.
I am always the winner.
Aren’t I?

Question 9.
Don’t commit this mistake again.
Will you?

Question 10.
There is a pharmacy near that bus stand.
Isn’t there?

Question 11.
Bacteria can never survive in extreme weather conditions.
Can they?

Question 12.
I am not as smart as you are.
Am I?

Question 13.
The boys broke the windowpane last evening.
Didn’t they?

Question 14.
Leaves wither during autumn.
Don’t they?

Question 15.
You should add a little salt to the buttermilk.
Shouldn’t you?

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

Task 2:
Correct the error found in the question tag in each of the following: (Text Book Page No.81) 

Question 1.
The evildoers cannot cross the path of truth, can’t they?
Can they?

Question 2.
The vegetables in the fridge are still fresh, aren’t it?
aren’t they?

Question 3.
The village head understood the intention of the politician, doesn’t he?
didn’t he?

Question 4.
I claim to be a person of faith and prayer, aren’t I?
don’t I?

Question 5.
The employees are seldom allowed to meet their boss, aren’t they?
are they?

Question 6.
Let’s organize a trip to Goa, can we?
shall we?

Question 7.
The landlady will charge me for the damage, shan’t she?
won’t she?

Question 8.
Both the sisters have left for Canada, aren’t they?
haven’t they?

Question 9.
That’s definitely not the right thing to do in this situation, isn’t that?
is that?

Question 10.
We needn’t apply for a bank loan, do we?
need we?

Question 11.
The Chief Guest spoke a few words, did he?
didn’t he?

Question 12.
The rhinoceros has a horn made of keratin, haven’t they?
hasn’t it?

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

Story writing: (Text Book Page No. 82)

Task 1:
Expand the following outlines into complete stories and supply a suitable title for each: (Text Book Page No. 83)

Exercise: (Text Book Page No. 84)

1. Big cotton merchant – owned a factory – many employees – one day a heap of cotton stolen – no due – merchant’s secretary assured to find out – asked him to host dinner – invite all workers – merchant agreed – middle of the feast – secretary suddenly shouted – cotton sticking to hair of thieves – the guilty dusted their heads – tried to clear – caught in the trap – punished.

The Clever Secretary

Once upon a time, there was a big cotton merchant. He owned a factory. Many employees were working on it. One day a bale of cotton was stolen. The merchant had no clue as to who might have stolen the baie of cotton. The merchant’s secretary assured him that she will find out the thief. She asked him to host a dinner and invite all the workers. Merchant agreed. When the feast was in progress, the secretary shouted suddenly, There is cotton sticking on to the hair of the thieves. The guilty ones dusted their heads to clear it. They ‘ .ere caught. They were punished.

2. Mr. X, a rich businessman – runs a company – always very busy with office work – one day his son – 10 years old – approaches dad and asks – how much he earns in one hour – father gets furious – boy persuades – father says Rs. 500 – immediate son asks for Rs. 300 – father shouts – wasting money on toys – son leaves to his room crying – father feels bad – thinks might need some stationery – enters boy’s room and gives money – boy becomes happy – takes some crumpled notes – under his pillow – counts everything together – total Rs.500 – gives it to dad – wants to buy – one hour of his time – father realizes his mistake – feels sorry and guilty – hugs son – closes all office files – takes him on a picnic – decides to spend more time with near and dear ones.

Sons Love for his father

Mr. X is a rich businessman. He runs a company. He is always busy with his office work. Like a snail, he carries his office workers everywhere. His young son one day asks him, “How much do you earn in an hour?”. The father gets furious and refuses to reply. But the son coaxes him to give the answer. The father grudgingly says, “Rs. 500/- an hour”. Immediately the boy asks his dad to give him three hundred rupees. He reprimands his son for trying to waste his hard-earned money. The boy cries and goes to the bedroom without dinner. The father feels guilty. He realizes that the boy might really need the money for buying some stationery. He gives him three hundred rupees. The next moment, the boy collected all the crumpled notes from under his pillow. Dad asks, “why did you ask for money when you have so much?”. Without replying the boy handed him Rs. 500/- and said, “This is the amount you earn in an hour, I have given you that money. Now will you spend an hour with me?”. The father realizes his mistake. He takes the boy out on a picnic. Then onwards he regularly spends time with him.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

Task 2:
Continue and complete the following stories and suggest suitable titles for the same: (Text Book Page No. 85)

1. A rich man had a neighbour who was suffering from acute poverty. The rich man was proud of
his wealth and treated his poor neighbour with disrespect and derision. One day, a fortune-teller told the rich man that all his wealth would be possessed by his neighbour within a month. The rich man became greatly worried and spent sleepless nights. He did not know how to safeguard his wealth round the clock.

Suddenly he thought of a plan. He disposed of everything he had and with all that money, he bought a large, precious diamond. He sewed up the diamond in his turban. He proudly said to himself, “Now, there’s no way. My poor neighbour can never secure my wealth. The words of the fortune-teller will prove false.” …………………….

The rich man used to have the turban on his head securely always. One 0ay a strong wind blew the turban away. It was carried by a monkey which ran away, jumping on to trees. The rich man ran behind it. He could not keep pace with it. However, he found the turban near his house. He frantically searched for the diamond. But it was not there. The monkey searched for some food in the turban and in the process threw the diamond in the poor neighbour’s house. After many days the neighbour found the diamond, sold it, and became rich. Thus the astrologer’s prediction came true.

2. Four friends decided to go to a restaurant for dinner. They ordered an extra-large pizza with
grated cheese and other choice toppings. The next 20 minutes seemed to be too long a time. Their eyes widened and their mouth watered, when the server brought the steaming hot pizza and placed it on the table. They could barely control the drool. Simultaneously, all the four hands pulled at a slice from the plate, their faces beaming with a victorious grin. Silence prevailed as they were absorbed in the taste of their favourite food. They relished every mouthful to the core and savoured the taste of each topping with a smile of approval.

Soon, the plate was empty and clean with no trace. The boys dabbed their mouths and wiped their hands with tissues. Mission accomplished, they leaned back with immense joy and satisfaction not knowing, it would be short¬lived. The waiter arrived with the bill. Joseph, who had brought the others to the restaurant for a treat casually slipped his hand into his pocket to get his wallet. He gave a soft shriek accompanied by an expression of dismay and utter disbelief. He exclaimed, “It’s not there! Someone has pinched my wallet! What are we to do now?” ………….

Joseph tried to convince the manager of the hotel about the theft of the purse. He refused to accept their version and asked them to pay the bill. Joseph asked his friends to stay in the hotel and he went home, brought money and paid at the hotel, for the relief of all.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

ஆசிரியரைப் பற்றி:

கிறிஸ்டியன் நீத்லிங் பெர்னார்டு (Christiaan Neethling Barnard) 1922ல் தென் ஆப்ரிக்காவில் ஓர் ஏழ்மையான பெற்றோருக்கு 4வது குழந்தையாகப் பிறந்தார். கல்வியில் அதிக நாட்டம் காட்டிய இவர், தனது சகோதரரை இதய நோயினால் (a cardiac ailment) இழந்த பிறகு மருத்துவம் (medicine) படிக்க தீர்மானித்தார். இவர் கல்வி உதவித்தொகை மூலமாக இதய அறுவை சிகிச்சையில் (cardiac surgery) மேற்படிப்பு பயின்றார்.

இதய அறுவை சிகிச்சை வல்லுநரான பெர்னார்டு, அக்காலத்தில் குணப்படுத்த இயலாத பிறவி மற்றும் சிக்கலான இதயக் கோளாறுகளில் கவனம் (focussed) செலுத்தினார். விலங்குகளிடம் இதயமாற்று அறுவை சிகிச்சை (heart transplantation) செய்து, பின்னர் 1967ல் உலகின் முதன்முதலில் மனிதர்களுக்கிடையே இதய மாற்று அறுவை சிகிச்சை செய்தார்.

இதனால் இவர் உலக அளவில் அடையாளங்காணப்பட்டு, இன்று வரை ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளக்கூடிய அறுவை சிகிச்சை உத்திகளை (techniques) வகுத்தார். இவர் 14 புத்தகங்களை எழுதியுள்ளார். இவரின் 235 அறிவியல் கட்டுரைகள், புகழ்பெற்ற பத்திரிக்கைகளில் பிரசுரமாகியுள்ளன. “ஒரே வாழ்க்கை ”, “ஆரோக்கியமான இதயத்திற்கு 50 வழிகள்”, “மிகச்சிறந்த மருந்து”, மற்றும் “நம்பிக்கை ‘ என்பன இவர் எழுதிய புத்தகங்களுள் சில இதய அறுவை சிகிச்சையில் முன்னோடியான இவர் கேப்டவுன் பல்கலைகழகத்தில் (University of Cape), மருத்துவத்துறையில் முனைவர் (Doctorate) பட்டம் பெற்றார்.

அதன் பிறகு உலகின் பல்வேறு பல்கலைக்கழகங்கள் இவருக்கு 11 கௌரவ டாக்டர் பட்டம் வழங்கின. இவர் 36 சர்வதேச விருதுகளைப் (International Awards) பெற்றுள்ளார். இவரின் கடைசி காலத்தில் இவர் “கிறிஸ்டியன் பெர்னார்டு அறக்கட்டளையை நிறுவி உலகம் முழுவதும் உள்ள பின்தங்கிய குழந்தைகளுக்கு (underprivileged) சேவை செய்யவும், அவர்களின் நிலையை உயர்த்த காரணமாகவும் இருந்தார். இவர் தனது 78ம் வயதில் 2001ல் மறைந்தார்.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

பாடத்தைப் பற்றி:

“நாம் அனைவருக்கும் முதன் முதலில் இதய மாற்று அறுவை சிகிச்சை செய்த மருத்துவர் கிறிஸ்டியன் பெர்னான்ட் அறிவோம். இங்கே அவருடைய பேச்சின் சாரம்சம் கொடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது, இதில் வாழ்க்கையை குறித்து அவர் கொண்டிருந்த தோற்றத்தை மாற்றிய அவரது அனுபவத்தை விளக்குகிறார்”.

கொடுக்கப்பட்ட பாடத்தில் ஒரு மருத்துவமனையில் செவிலியர் (Nurse) ஒருவர் காலைச் சிற்றுண்டி வண்டியை கவனிக்காமல் விட்டுவிட்டனர். ஆனால் கை துண்டிக்கப்பட்ட சிறுவனும் இயந்திர வல்லுனரும் அதை நகர்த்தி நோயாளிகளுக்கு உணவு பரிமாறுகின்றனர். இருவரும் நல்ல பாடத்தை போதிக்கின்றனர். இப்படி ஒரு வியத்தகு மாற்றத்தை உண்டு பண்ணியது என்ன என்பதை இங்கே கண்டரிவோம்.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

In Celebration of Being Alive Summary in Tamil

ஒரு இதய சிகிச்சை நிபுணராக என்னுடைய வேலையின் (career – பணி) இறுதியை நெருங்க நெருங்க என் மக்கள் ஏன் வேதனைப்பட வேண்டும் என்பதை நோக்கி என் எண்ணங்கள் (thoughts) திரும்பின. இன்று இவ்வுலகில் அதிகப்படியான மக்கள் மிக கொடூரமாக (cruelly) வேதனைப்படுகிறார்கள்.

இந்த ஆண்டு பிறக்கக்கூடிய 125 மில்லியன் குழந்தைகளில், 12 மில்லியன் குழந்தைகள் தங்களது ஒரு வயதை அடைவதே கடினம் மற்றும் அடுத்த 6 மில்லியன் குழந்தைகளில் 5 வயதை எட்டுவதே இல்லை என்பது உங்களுக்கு தெரியுமா! மீதமுள்ளவர்களில் நிறைய பேர் மனம் (mental) அல்லது உடல் ஊனமுற்றவர்களாகவே (physical cripples) ஆகின்றனர்.

சில வருடங்களுக்கு முன்னால் நான் சந்தித்த விபத்திலிருந்து எனக்கு இந்த இருண்ட எண்ணங்கள் (gloomy thoughts) தோன்றியிருக்கலாம் (stem). அருமையான உணவிற்கு பின் நான் என் மனைவியுடன் ஒரு நிமிடம் தெருவை தாண்டி சென்று கொண்டிருந்தேன். மறு நிமிடம் ஒரு கார் என்னை இடித்து (hit) என் மனைவியின் மீது தள்ளியது (knocked), அவளோ அடுத்த பாதையில் தூக்கி வீசப்பட்டு எதிரே வந்த காரினால் அடிப்பட்டாள் (struck).

அடுத்த சில நாட்கள் நான் மருத்துவமனையில் மிகுந்த மன வேதனையையும் (agony), பயத்தையும் (fear) மட்டும் அனுபவிக்கவில்லை கூடவே கோபத்தையும் (anger) உணர்ந்தேன். நானும் என் மனைவியும் ஏன் வேதனைப்பட வேண்டும் என என்னால் புரிந்து கொள்ள முடியவில்லை . என்னுடைய 11 விலா எலும்புகள் (ribs) உடைந்தன மற்றும் எனது நுரையீரலிலும் (lung) அடிபட்டு துளைகள் விழுந்தன. எனது மனைவியின் தோல்பட்டையும் நொறுங்கியது. ஏன் எங்களுக்கு இவ்வாறு நடக்க வேண்டும்? என மீண்டும் மீண்டும் நான் எனக்குள்ளே கேட்டுக்கொண்டேன்.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive 4

எல்லாவற்றிற்கும் மேலாக நான் எனது வேலையையும் பார்க்க வேண்டியதிருந்தது. என்னிடம் சிகிச்சை பெற நோயாளிகள் (patients) காத்து கொண்டிருந்தனர். எங்களின் சிறு வயது குழந்தைக்கு என் மனைவியின் அரவணைப்பு தேவைப்பட்டது.
எனது தந்தை இப்போது உயிரோடிருந்தால் அவர் இவ்வாறு தான் கூறியிருப்பார். “மகனே, இது கடவுளின் விருப்பம், அவர் இவ்வாறு தான் உன்னை சோதிப்பார். சோதனைகளே உன்னை மேன்மையாக்கி, ஒரு சிறந்த மனிதனாக உன்னை உருவாக்கும் (ennobles)”.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

ஆனால், ஒரு மருத்துவராக வேர்வையால் நனைந்த படுக்கையில் (sweatsoaked bed) வலியால் துடித்துக் கொண்டும், மனம் நிறைய கடுந்துயராலும் நிரப்பப்பட்ட நோயாளிடம் எந்தவொரு பெருந்தன்மையையும் (noble) என்னால் காண இயலவில்லை. இரவில் மருத்துவமனையில் தனிமையில் படுக்கையில் அழுது கொண்டிருக்கும் குழந்தையிடமும் என்னால் எந்தவொரு பெருந்தன்மையையும் (nobility) காண இயலவில்லை.

அக்காலத்தில் அதிநவீன (sophisticated) இதய அறுவை சிகிச்சை முறைகள் கிடையாது. குழந்தைகள் வேதனையடைவதைக் கண்டுநான் மனமுடைந்து போயிருக்கிறேன். ஏனென்றால் அவர்கள் தங்களின் முழு நம்பிக்கையையும் (trust) மருத்துவர்கள் மற்றும் செவிலியர்கள் மீது வைப்பார்கள். நீங்கள் அவர்களுக்கு உதவுவீர்கள் என்று அவர்கள் நம்புவார்கள்.

உங்களால் முடியவில்லை என்றால் அவர்கள் தங்கள் விதியைக் கூட ஏற்றுக் கொள்ள (believe) மாட்டார்கள். உருவச்சிதைவு அடையக்கூடிய அறுவைச்சிகிச்சை (mutilating surgery) செய்த பிறகு கூட அவர்கள் குறைகூற மாட்டார்கள்.

பல வருடங்களுக்கு முன்னால் ஒரு நாள் காலையில் நான் கண்டதை கேட்டவுடன் நகரின் செஞ்சிலுவை (Red cross) சிறுவர் மருத்துவமனையில் மோட்டார் வாகன ஓட்டப் பந்தயம் (Grand Prix) என்றே அழைப்பேன். அந்நிகழ்வு வேதனையைக் குறித்து நான் எண்ணிவந்ததில், ஒரு உண்மையை நான் விட்டிருந்ததை குறித்து அது என் கண்களைத் திறந்தது. அது எனக்கு ஒரு பெரிய ஆறுதலாக (solace) இருந்தது.

அந்த காலை அங்கு என்ன நடந்தது என்றால், காலை உணவு தள்ளுவண்டியை (breakfast trolley) செவிலியர் எடுக்கவில்லை. அடுத்தகணமே அந்த தள்ளுவண்டியானது இரு துணிச்சலான (intrepid), தைரியமான ஓட்டுநர் மற்றும் இயந்திர வல்லுநரால் வழி நடத்தப்பட்டது.

இயந்திர வல்லுநரோ தலையை குனிந்தவாறு தள்ளுவண்டியை பின்புறமிருந்து விரைந்து தள்ளி அதற்கு இயந்திர சக்தியளித்தனர் (provided), அதே வேளையில் ஓட்டுநரோ, தள்ளுவண்டியின் முன்புறம் அமர்ந்து கொண்டு ஒருகையால் வண்டியைப் பிடித்து காலால் தரையை உரசி (scraping) தள்ளுவண்டியை ஓட்டினார். அவர்கள் தேர்ந்தெடுத்த வேடங்கள் மிக எளிது ஏனென்றால் இயந்திர வல்லுநரோ கண்ணிழந்தவன் (blind), ஓட்டுநரோ ஒரு கை (arm) மட்டுமே கொண்டவன்.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

அன்று அவர்கள் ஒரு பெரிய நிகழ்ச்சியையே நடத்தினார்கள். மீதமிருந்த நோயாளிகளிடமிருந்து அவர்களுக்கு கிடைத்த உற்சாகத்தையும் (encouragement) சிரிப்பையும் பார்த்த போது இண்டியானா போலிஸில் (Indiana Polis) நடைபெறும் 500 கார்களின் ஓட்டப்பந்தயத்தை (race) விட இவர்களின் நிகழ்ச்சி மிகச்சிறந்தது என தோன்றியது. அவர்களை செவிலியர்கள் பிடித்து, திட்டி, படுக்கைக்கு திரும்ப அனுப்பும் வரை, அங்கு சிதறிய தட்டுகள் மற்றும் சில்வர் பாத்திரங்களின் இறுதிச் சுற்று (grand finale) நடந்தது.

அவ்விருவர்களைப் பற்றி நான் கூறுகிறேன். இயந்திர வல்லுநரோ 7 வயதானவன். ஒரு நாள் அவனது தாயும் தந்தையும் குடித்து விட்டு சண்டையில், அவனது தாய் விளக்கை (lantern) எடுத்து தந்தை மீது எறியும் போது அது தவறி குழந்தையின் தலை மற்றும் தோள் பகுதியின் மீது விழுந்தது. இதனால் அதிகப்படியான மூன்றாம் நிலை காயங்களால் அவனது மேலுடல் பாதிக்கப்பட்டது, அவனது இரண்டு கண்களும் பார்வை இழந்தன.

வாகன ஓட்டப்பந்தயத்தின் போது அவன் ஒரு நடமாடும், பயமூட்டும் (horror) பொருளாக, அதாவது உருக்குலைந்த (disfigured) முகத்தோடும், ஒரு நீண்ட சதை மடிப்பு கழுத்திலிருந்து தொங்கிய வண்ணமும் காணப்பட்டான்.

அவனது கழுத்தைச் சுற்றி காயம் ஆறிக்கொண்டிருந்த வேளையில், அவனுடைய கீழ்த்தாடை நரம்புத் திசுக்களினால் (tissue) இறுகப்பற்றிக் கொள்ளப்பட்டது. அவன் தனது தலையை உயர்த்தினால் (raise) மட்டுமே அவனால் தனது வாயைத் திறக்க முடியும். அந்த பந்தயம் முடிந்து நான் அவளை சந்தித்த போது “நாங்கள் வென்று விட்டோம். உங்களுக்கு தெரியுமா?” என்று சிரித்துக்கொண்டே கூறினான்.

அந்த தள்ளுவண்டியின் ஓட்டுநரை (trolley’s driver) எனக்கு நன்றாக தெரியும். சில வருடங்களுக்கு முன்னால். அவன் இதயத்தில் இருந்த ஓட்டையை நான் வெற்றிகரமாக அடைத்தேன். அவன் எலும்பில் இருந்த வீரியமான (malignant tumour) கட்டியின் காரணமாக அவன் மறுபடியும் மருத்துவமனைக்கு அழைத்து வரப்பட்டான். பந்தயத்திற்கு சில நாட்கள் முன்னதாக அவனது தோள்பட்டையும், கையும் சிகிச்சையின் மூலம் வெட்டி எடுக்கப்பட்டது (amputated).

Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 In Celebration of Being Alive

அவன் குணமடைவதற்கான (recovery) நம்பிக்கை குறைவாகவே காணப்பட்டது. பந்தயத்திற்குப் பின் அவன் என்னிடம், தள்ளுவண்டியின் சக்கரங்கள் சரியாக எண்ணெய் இடப்படவில்லை என்றும், அவன் ஒரு சிறந்த ஓட்டுநர் என்றும், தான் இயந்திர வல்லுநரிடம் முழு நம்பிக்கை கொண்டிருந்ததாகவும் கூறினான்.

திடீரென, வாழ்க்கையை வாழ்வதற்கான ஒரு ஆழமான பாடத்தை (profound lesson) இவர்கள் இருவரும் எனக்கு கற்று கொடுத்ததாகவே உணர்ந்தேன் (realized). ஏனென்றால் வாழ்வது என்பது இனிமைக்காவோ, பொழுது போக்கிற்காகவோ, மனமகிழ்ச்சிக்காகவோ நாம் செய்யும் ஏதோ ஒன்று அல்ல, மாறாக மகிழ்ச்சி என்ற வார்த்தையின் உண்மையான உணர்வே ஆகும். வாழ்வதென்பது உயிரோடிருப்பதின் கொண்டாட்டமே (celebration).

நான் வேதனைப்படுவதை தவறான (wrong) முறையிலிருந்தே பார்த்து கொண்டிருந்தேன். நீங்கள் வேதனை அடைவதால் மட்டும் சிறந்த மனிதராக முடியாது. ஆனால் வேதனையை அனுபவித்து (experience) இருக்கிறீர்கள் என்றால் உங்களால் ஒரு சிறந்த மனிதனாக முடியும். இருளைப் பற்றி அறியாவிட்டால், நம்மால் ஒளியைப் பாராட்ட இயலாது.

கடுங்குளிரால் பாதிக்கப்படாமல் நம்மால் வெதுவெதுப்பை பாராட்ட இயலாது. நீங்கள் இழந்தது எதுவோ அது முக்கியமில்லை (important), உங்களிடம் மீதமிருப்பது (left) எதுவோ அதுவே மிக முக்கியம் என்று இச்சிறுவர்கள் எனக்கு உணர்த்தி விட்டார்கள்.