Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Pdf Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Notes.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Solutions Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

9th Science Guide Animal Kingdom Text Book Back Questions and Answers

I. Choose the correct answer :

Question 1.
Find the group having only marine members.
(a) Mollusca
(b) Coelenterata
(c) Echinodermata
(d) Porifera
Answer :
(d) Echinodermata

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

Question 2.
Mesoglea is present in
(a) Porifera
(b) Coelenterata
(c) Annelida
(d) Arthropoda
(b) Coelenterata

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

Question 3.
Which one of the following pairs is not a poikilothermic animal
(a) Fishes and Amphibians
(b) Amphibians and Aves
(c) Aves and Mammals
(d) Reptiles and Mammals
(c) Aves and Mammals

Question 4
Identify the animal having four chambered heart.
(a) Lizard
(b) Snake
(c) Crocodile
(d) Calotes
(c) Crocodile

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

Question 5
The animal without skull is
(a) Acrania
(b) Acephalia
(c) Apteria
(d) Acoelomate
(a) Acrania

Question 6.
Hermaphrodite organisms are
(a) Hydra, Tape worm, Earthworm, Amphioxus
(b) Hydra, Tape worm, Earthworm, Ascidian
(c) Hydra, Tape worm, Earthworm, Balanoglossus
(d) Hydra, Tape worm, Ascaris, Earthworm
b) Hydra, Tap worm, Earthworm, Ascidian

Question 7.
Poikilothermic organisms are
(a) Fish, Frog, Lizard, Man
(b) Fish, Frog, Lizard, Cow
(c) Fish, Frog, Lizard, Snake
(d) Fish, Frog, Lizard, Crow
(c) Fish, Frog, Lizard, Snake

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

Question 8.
Air sacs and Pneumatic bones are seen in
(a) fish
(b) frog
(c) bird
(d) bat
(c) Bird

Question 9.
Excretory organ of tape worm is
(a) flame cells
(b) nephridia
(c) body surface
(d) solenocytes
(a) Flame cells

Question 10.
Water vascular system is found in
(a) Hydra
(b) Earth worm
(c) Star fish
(d) Ascaris
(c) Starfish

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

II. Fill in the blanks :

1. The skeletal framework of Porifera is ……………..

2. Ctenidia are respiratory organs in ……………….
phylum mollusca

3. Skates are ………………. fishes.

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

4. The larvae of an amphibian is …………………..
bilaterally symmetrical

5. ………………. are jawless vertebrates.

6. …………………… is the unique characteristic feature of mammal.

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

7. Spiny anteater is an example for …………….. mammal.

III. State whether true or false. If false write the correct statement :

1. Canal system is seen in coelenterates.
Correct statement: Canal system is seen in porifera

2. Hermaphrodite animals have both male and female sex organs.

3. Trachea are the respiratory organ of Annelida.
Correct statement: Trachea are the respiratory organ of Arthopoda.

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

4. Bipinnaria is the larva of Mollusca.
Correct statement: Bipinnaria is the larva of star fish.

5. Balanoglossus is a ciliary feeder.

6. Fishes have two chambered heart.

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

7. Skin of reptilians are smooth and moist.
Correct statement: Skin of cyclostomata are smooth and moist.

8. Wings of birds are the modified forelimbs.

9. Female mammals have mammary glands.

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

IV. Match the following :

(A) Coelenterata(i) Snail
(B) Platyhelminthes(ii) Starfish
(C) Echinodermata(iii) Tapeworm
(D) Mollusca(iv) Hydra

A – iv, B – iii, C – ii, D – i

V. Answer very briefly :

Question 1.
Define taxonomy.
The theoretical study of classification includes its basic principles, procedures, and rules.

Question 2.
What is nematocyst?
The tentacles of organisms belonging to phylum Coelenterata bear stinging cells called cnidoblast or nematocyst.

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

Question 3.
Why coelenterates are called diploblastic animals?
The animals in phylum coelenterates have two layers the outer ectoderm and the inner endoderm in the body wall. So they are called diploblastic animals.

Question 4.
List the respiratory organs of amphibians.
Respiration is through by gills, skin, buccopharynx and lungs.

Question 5.
How does locomotion take place in starfish?
Locomotion is affected by tube feet.

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

Question 6.
Are jellyfish and starfish similar to fishes? If no justify the answer.

  • Jellyfish is a coelenterate. Their bodies are made of calcium carbonate.
  • Starfish fish is an echinoderm. Their bodies are made of calcium carbonate.
  • Catfish is a fish species.
  • Jellyfish and starfish are invertebrates.
  • Fishes are vertebrates.

Question 7.
Why are frogs said to be amphibians?
The frogs have dual adaptation in land and aquatic environments. So they are called amphibians.

VI. Answer briefly:

Question 1.
Give an account on phylum Annelida.

  • These are bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic, first true coelomate animals with an organ-system grade of organization.
  • Body is externally divided into segments called metameres joined by ring-like structures called annuli.
  • It is covered by a moist thin cuticle.
  • Setae and parapodia are locomotor organs.
  • Sexes may be separate or ünited (hermaphrodites).
    e.g- Nereis, Earthworm, Leech.

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

Question 2.
Differentiate between flatworms and roundworms?

a) They belong to Phylum Platyhelminthes.They belong to Phylum Aschelminthes.
b) They are mostly parasitic.Exist as free-living soil forms or as parasites.
c) Mostly hermaphrodites.Sexual dimorphism is seen.
d) They are acoelomate organisms.They are pseudocoelomate organisms.
e) The alimentary canal is absent or simple.
Eg: Tapeworm.
The alimentary canal is a straight tube.
Eg: Roundworm.

Outline the flow charts of Phylum Chordata.
Classification of phylum Chordata:
Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom 1

Question 4.
List five characteristic features of fishes.

  • Fishes are poikilothermic, whose internal temperature varies, considerably.
  • The body has a covering of scales.
  • Body muscles are arranged into segments called myotomes.
  • The body is differentiated into head, trunk and tail.
  • Respiration is done by 5 to7 pairs of gills, which are covered by an operculum or sometimes maybe naked.

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

Question 5.
Comment on the aquatic and terrestrial habits of amphibians.
Aquatic habits of amphibians:

  • The larva of amphibians (tadpole) lives in water and breathes with gills.
  • External fertilization occurs in frog with water as a medium of fertilization.
  • The adult frog has webbed feet to swim in water.
  • The skin is moist and glandular which helps in Respiration.

Terrestrial habits of amphibians:

  • The adults live on land and breathe through the lungs. Bucco-pharynx also helps in Respiration.
  • The forelimbs are short and help to hop on land.

Question 6.
How are the limbs of the birds adapted for avian life?

  1. Birds have a spindle-shaped body.
  2. The forelimbs are modified as wings for aerial locomotion.
  3. The air sacs present in the birds, make the bird lightweight.
  4. The body is covered with feathers.

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

VII. Answer in detail :

Question 1.
Describe the characteristic features of different Prochordates.
Prochordata :

  • The urochordates are considered as the forerunner of vertebrates.
  • Based on the nature of the notochord, protochordate is classified into subphylum Urochordata and subphylum Cephalochordata.
    Phylum Hemichordata :
    Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom 2
  • Hemichordates are marine organisms with soft, vermiform and unsegmented body.
  • They are bilaterally symmetrical, coelomate animals with non-chordate and chordate features.
  • They have gill slits but do not have notochord.
  • They are ciliary feeders and mostly remain as tubiculous forms, e.g- Balanoglossus (Acorn worms).
    Subphylum Urochordata:
    Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom 3
  • Notochord is present only in the tail region of free-living larva, e.g. Ascidian
  • Adults are sessile forms and mostly degenerate.
  • The body is covered with a tunic or test.

Subphylum Cephalochordata :

  • Cephalochordates are small fish like marine chordates with unpaired dorsal fins.
  • The notochord extends throughout the entire length of the body. e.g. Amphioxus

Question 2.
Give an account on phylum Arthropoda.

  • Arthropoda is the largest phylum.
  • The organisms have jointed legs.
  • The body is segmented into head, thorax and abdomen.
  • The exoskeleton is made up of chitin.
  • The coelomic cavity is filled with haemolymph (blood).
  • They do not have defined blood vessels. This is called open circulatory system.
  • The insects shed the exoskeleton and this process is called moulting.
  • Small Arthropods absorb oxygen through the body and larger aquatic species breathe through book gills.
  • Land Arthropods breathe through a system of tiny body tubes called tracheae.
  • Excretion occurs through malphigian tubules and through green glands in crabs and prawns. .
  • Insects, spiders, crabs, shrimps, butterflies, millipedes, centipedes, and scorpions are some arthropods.

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

Intext activities

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom 5
Observation :

  • Scorpion
  • Arachnid
  • Cockroach
  • Crab
  • Crustacean
    [End of the activity]

9th Science Guide Animal Kingdom Additional Important Questions and Answers

I. Choose the correct answer:

Question 1.
Which is not an insect?
(a) Housefly
(b) Bedbug
(c) Mosquito
(d) Spider
d) Spider

Question 2.
Which is not a feature of chordates?
(a) Green glands
(b) Sweat glands
(c) Sebaceous gland
(d) Mammary gland
(a) Green glands

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

Question 3.
Choose the correct terms related to Hemichordate
(a) Vermiform, unsegmented, bilaterally symmetrical, ciliary feeders
(b) Vermiform, segmented, triploblastic, ciliary feeders
(c) Vermiform, unsegmented, diploblastic, ciliary feeders
(d) Vermiform, unsegmented; triploblastic, filter feeders
a) Vermiform, unsegmented, bilaterally symmetrical, ciliary feeders

Question 4.
The …………. can swim faster than a cheetah.
(a) Sail fish
(b) Catfish
(c) Jelly fish
(d) Sucker fish
a) Sail fish

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

Question 5.
The biggest vertebrate animal is the ……………….
(a) Blue whale
(b) Dolphin
(c) Elephant
(d) Rhinoceros
(a) Blue whale

Question 6.
Who introduced binomial nomenclature?
(a) Huxley
(b) Carolus Linnaeus
(c) Nicolaus Copernicus
(d) Charles Darwin
(b) Carolus Linnaeus

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

Question 7.
What is the binomial name of tapeworm?
(a) Ascaris lumbricoides
(b) Taenia solium
(c) Lampito mauritii
(d) Hirudinaria granulosa
(b) Taenia solium

Question 8.
Which is the state bird of Tamil Nadu?
(a) Peacock
(b) Parrot
(c) Emerald dove
(d) Eagle
(c) Emerald dove

Question 9. ;
……………. is an example of bony fish.
(a) Mullets
(b) Sharks
(c) Skates
(d) Hagfish
(a) Mullets

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

Question 10.
The notochord extends throughout the entire length of the body.
(a) Acorn worms
(b) Lamprey
(c) Ascidian
(d) Amphioxus
(d) Amphioxus

Question 11.
Animals which possess notochord are called as …………………
(a) invertebrates
(b) non-chordates
(c) chordates
(d) all the above
(c) chordates

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

Question 12.
What ¡s the name of the bone which is filled with air?
(a) Flat bones
(b) Irregular bones
(c) Short bones
(d) Pneumatic bones
d) Pneumatic bones

Question 13.
_________ ¡s the unique characteristic feature of mammals.
(a) Placenta
(b) Egg
(c) Tail
(d) Ear
(a) Placenta

Question 14.
________ have gill slits but do not have notochord.
(a) Phylum Hemichordata
(b) Phylum Echirodermata
(c) Phylum Mollusca
(d) Phylum Annelida
Phylum Hemichordata

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

II. Fill In the blanks:

1. The binomial name of our National Bird is …………………………

2. In mammals testis are enclosed by ………………….
scrotal sacs

3. In birds, the air sacs communicate with …………………

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

4. The animals belonging to phylunm …………….. are said to be soft-bodied.

5. The name ………….. means “thousand legs”.

6. The skeletal framework of phylum Porifera is made up of ……………..

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

7. A true body cavity is located within ………………

8………………. separates the digestive tract from the body wall.

9. ……………….. formed during embryonic development.

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

10. …………….. is the largest phylum of the animal kingdom.

11. ………………… is a fluid-filled body cavity.

12. The body cavity of the phylum Aschelminthes is …………………….

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

13. The most common diseases caused by nematodes in human beings are …………and ……………
elephantiasis, ascariasis

14. Cyclostmes are ………………….
jawless vertebrates

15. Malphigian tubules also called as ……………….
green glands

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

16. Locomotion of phylum Echinodermata is affected by .
tube feet

III. Analogy:

Question 1.
Echinodermata: ________ : : Soft Bodies Animals: ________
Spiny Skinned Animals; Mollusca.

Birds: _______ : : _________ : Cold-blooded.
Warm-blooded; Fishes.

IV. State whether true or false. If false write the correct statement:

1. Order is a number of related families having common characters are placed in an order.

2. Tissue organization can be seen in phylum Porifera.
Correct statement: Cellular grade of organization can be seen in phylum Porifera.

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

3. Aschelminthes is the largest phylum of the animal kingdom.
Correct statement: Arthropods is the largest phylum of the animal kingdom.

4. In the animals belonging to phylum Echinodermata, the body is divided into head, muscular food and visceral mass………….
Correct statement: In phylum mollusca, the body is divided into head, muscular food and visceral mass.

5. Setae and parapodia are locomotor organs of earthworms.

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

6. Mammals have four-chambered Hearts.

V. Match the following:

Question 1.

(A) Cartilaginous(i) Mullets
(B) Bony fishes(ii) Sharks
(C) Pneumatic bones(iii) Reptiles
(D) Three chambered heart(iv) Birds

A – i, B – ii, C – iv, D – iii

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

VI. Assertion and Reason type :

Question 1.
Assertion (A) : The Arthropods have an open circulatory system. .
Reason (R) : The cells and tissues are bathed in blood.
(a) A is right and R is wrong.
(b) A is the wrong R is right.
(c) A and R are wrong.
(d) A is right R explains A.
(d) A is right R explains A

Question 2.
Assertion (A) : Mammals give birth to their young ones.
Reason (R) : Platypus is an egg-laying mammal.
(a) A and R are correct.
(b) A and R are wrong.
(c) R explains A.
(d) A is the wrong R is right.
(a) A and R are correct

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

VII. Answer in one or two sentences :

Question 1.
Which organism is called Friends of farmers? Why?
Earthworms are called ‘Friends of the farmers’ because after digesting organic matter, earthworms excrete a nutrient-rich waste product called castings which are used as Vermicompost.

Question 2.
What are the sub-phylum of prochordates?
Sub phylum of prochordates are
Subphylum Cephalochordata
Subphylum Urochordata

Question 3.
Name the three germ layers.,
Ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

Question 4.
Name the locomotary organs seen in phylum protozoa.
Pseudopodia, cilia, or flagella.

Question 5.
Mention two special features of mammals.
(i) External ear or pinna is seen in most the mammals.
(ii) Presence of the placenta is a unique characteristic feature.

Question 6.
Write the binomials of a) Man b) Tapeworm
a) Homo sapiens
b) Taenia solium.

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

Question 7.
What is the binomial name?
Carolus Linnaeus introduced the method of naming the animals with two names. This is known as binomial name and is followed universally.
Eg: Binomial of frog is
Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom 6

VIII. Short answer questions :

Question 1.
How is the body wall of coelenterates arranged?
Body wall of coelenterate is disloblastic with two layers, namely the outer ectoderm and the inner endoderm, are separated by non-cellular jelly-like substance called mesoglea. Due to the presence of two layers in the body wall, they are said to be diploblastic animals.

Question 2.
What is polymorphism?
Many coelenterates exhibit polymorphism, which is the variation in the structure and function of the individuals of the same species. They reproduce both asexually and sexually, e.g. Hydra, Jellyfish.

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

Question 3.
What is the unique feature of chordates?
Presence of notochord is the unique feature of chordates.

Question 4.
On the basis of position of notochord, classify the different prochordates. Justify your answer.

Subphyla of prochordatesPosition of notochord
b) CephalochordataThe notochord is present only in the tail region of the free-living larva. e.g. Ascidian
c) UrochordataThe notochord extends throughout the entire length of the body. e.g. Amphioxus

Question 5.
List the integumentary glands of mammals.
Integumentary glands are seen in mammals:

  • Sweat glands
  • Sebaceous glands
  • Scent glands
  • Mammary glands are modified
  • Integumentary glands

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

Question 6.
How is the reproductive characters of mammals different from those of aves.



(i) Mammals have paired sex organs, eggs are small with little or no yolk.(i) They are oviparous and lay eggs.
(ii) They are viviparous and give birth to young one.(ii) Formation of placenta is not seen. The embryo is nourished,by egg yolk. Egg has an abundant quantity of yolk.
(iii) Formation of placenta is a special feature. The tissue connects the foetus to maternal tissues.

Question 7.
Mention two characteristic features of phylum Echinodermata.
They have a water vascular system which is a unique feature. Locomotion is affected by tube feet.

Question 8.
Mention two features seen in Aves to aid in flying.

  • The forelimbs are modified into wings for flight.
  • Bones are filled with air (pneumatic bones), which reduces body weight.

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

Question 9.
Why is crocodile unique among reptiles?
It has a four-chambered heart whereas the reptiles have a three-chambered heart.

Question 10
Why are eggs of reptiles covered with shell unlike eggs of amphibians?
First-class of vertebrates adapted for terrestrial life and lay their eggs with tough outer Shell e.g Calotes, Lizard, Snake, Tortoise, Turtle. Hence the eggs are covered with shells to protect them. Whereas amphibians eggs are laid in water.

Question 11.
What are pneumatic bones?
The bones are filled with air. So they are called pneumatic bones and are seen in aves.

 Samacheer Kalvi 9th Science Guide Chapter 17 Animal Kingdom

IX. Long answer questions :

Question 1.
Write a note on mammals.

  • Mammals are -warm-blooded animals.
  • The skin is covered with hair. It also bears sweat and sebaceous (oil) glands.
  • The body is divisible into head, neck, trunk and tail.
  • Females have mammary glands, which secrete milk for feeding the young ones.
  • The external ear or pinnae is present.
  • Heart is four-chambered and they breathe through lungs.
  • Except egg-laying mammals (Platypus, and Spiny anteater), all other mammals give birth to their young ones (viviparous).
  • Placenta is the unique characteristic feature of mammals, e.g Rat, Rabbit, Man.

Question 2.
Write a note on aves.

  • Birds are homeothermic (warm-blooded) animals with several adaptations to fly.
  • The spindle or boat-shaped body is divisible into head, neck, trunk and tail.
  • The body is covered with feathers. Forelimbs are modified into wings for flight.
  • Hindlimbs are adapted for walking, perching or swimming.
  • The respiration is through lungs, which have air sacs.
  • Bones are filled with air (pneumatic bones), which reduces body weight.
  • They lay large yolk laden eggs.
  • They are covered by hard calcareous shell, e.g. Parrot, Crow, Eagle, Pigeon, Ostrich.

Question 3.
Outline the flow chart of invertebrate phyla.
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