Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 7th English Guide Pdf Term 3 Supplementary Chapter 1 Sindbad – My First Voyage Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 7th English Solutions Term 3 Supplementary Chapter 1 Sindbad – My First Voyage

7th English Guide Sindbad – My First Voyage Text Book Back Questions and Answers

Textual Exercise (Text Book Page No. 99)

A. Match the following.
Samacheer Kalvi 7th English Guide Term 3 Supplementary Chapter 1 Sindbad – My First Voyage 1

Column AColumn B
green islandhuge fish
Mihrjanthe king
Sindbad the Sailorvoyager
Sindbad the porterpoor listener
slavesin the cave

B. Choose the correct options from the ones. (Text Book Page No. 100)

1. Sindbad decided to sail to the ……………….. (Persian Gulf / Mexican Gulf) with some goods.
Persian Gulf

2. He was being tossed by powerful waves and was thrown on an /a ……………….. (island/peninsula).

3. The men in the cave were all ……………….. (ministers/slaves) of the king.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

4. The king was a ……………….. (noble and kind/mean and cruel) person.
noble and kind

5. The king gave many valuable ……………….. (gifts/rewards) to Sindbad.

C. Read the passage and answer the questions given below.

One day, when I was standing on the port, I saw a ship approaching the port. It was the same ship, which had sailed further after leaving me behind, struggling in the sea. When the captain of the ship saw me, he was greatly surprised to find me alive. He and the other crew members hugged me with happiness. The captain handed over my goods to me, which had been left on the ship.
1. Where was he standing?
Sindbad was standing on the port.

2. What did he see?
Sindbad saw a ship approaching.

3. Whom did he meet on the ship and why was the person surprised?
Sindbad met the captain of the ship. He was surprised to find Sindbad alive.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

4. What did he get back from the captain?
Sindbad got back his goods from the captain.

D. Rearrange the following sentences in the correct order.

1. I longed to go back home.
2. I narrated my tale of sufferings and hardships to the king.
3. Our group sailed from one country to another, selling goods.
4. I saw the same ship approaching the port.
5. My father was a rich merchant.
6. I was being tossed by the frequent powerful waves.
7. Sindbad completed the tale of his voyage.
8. He presented the purse full of gold coins.
5, 3, 6, 2,1, 4, 8, 7

E. Work in pairs and write the answers. (Text Book Page No. 101)

1. Describe the island that the ship’s crew found.
Sindbad was thrown on an island. There was nothing to eat except a few herbs. Sindbad managed to get a few herbs. He quenched his thirst from a spring.

Sindbad met a man. The man asked Sindbad where he had come from. Sindbad poured out his misfortune to him. That man took pity on him. He took Sindbad inside a cave. There were a number of men present. They were all slaves of the king of the island. These men were kind. They served good food and drink. They treated Sindbad well – king Mihrjan was the ruler of island. These islands were under king Mihrjan.

During the stay of Sindbad he witnessed a number .of remarkable sights. The sea water around the island, contained huge and terrible fishes. A few were hundred times bigger than the largest ship. Once he saw a fish that had a head like a bull. He witnessed many unimaginable wonders.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

2. Did Sindbad the porter enjoy his meeting with Sindbad the sailor? Why?
Sindbad completed the tale of his first voyage. The poor porter Sindbad was listening to the amazing tale of Sindbad, the sailor all with wonder. Sindbad the sailor, then bade good bye to the poor porter and asked him to come the next day to narrate the tale of his new voyage. But before leaving, he presented Sindbad the porter a purse full of gold coins. The unexpected riches overjoyed Sindbad, the porter.


F. Brochure Making
Your school is organising an education trip. Work in a team and prepare a brochure for the trip. Include places to see, essential things to be brought, and the activities one can do on the trip.
Objective of educational trip:

  • To gain fun and information
  • To achieve motivation
  • To gain first hand experience
  • To attain rich immersion experience

Paragraph: 1

Purpose of educational trip
An educational tour is a planned site visit for school and college students. Purpose of education tour is to provide some information to students. Education trip means more than simply leaving the school ground. Educational trips should always have a major educational element, but the impact of educational trips can extend much further. The importance of educational trips includes, giving students the chance to build closer bonds with their classmates, experience in new environments and enjoy a day away from the classroom.

Paragraph: 2

Importance of educational trips:
Memories of school education trips are the most prominent memories of the formative years largely because they are impressive. The trip needs a lot of planning and preparation. Such trips make the students grow more empathetic and respectful towards others culture. Students gain knowledge of social issues. Education trips have a time honoured tradition. The experience gained in the educational trips is immeasurable.

places to see:

  • Temples
  • Educational museum
  • Archaeological sites
  • Historical monuments
  • Historical relics.
  • Diverse landscape
  • Observatory
  • Herbarium
  • Aquarium


  • Nature is your teacher
  • World is your classroom

Activities in the educational trip:

  • Observation
  • Collecting information
  • Recording the date
  • Taking photographs and videos
  • Documentation

Thinks to be brought:

  1. Woollen clothes if necessary
  2. trekking equipment
  3. footwear
  4. suitable clothes
  5. technology instruments like camera, phones
  6. reading materials, stationery article
  7. First aid
  8. Medicines if required

Connecting to Self

G. Road Safety
Road safety rules make our driving a better experience. As responsible citizen, we ought to obey traffic rules and pay attention to the road signs.
Look at the picture. Circle the dangerous actions of pedestrians on or near the road. Discuss in groups and write down the Pedestrians Road Safety Rules. (Text Book Page No. 102)

Safety rules on the road have to be followed by all of us so that no one is killed or injured.
Samacheer Kalvi 7th English Guide Term 3 Supplementary Chapter 1 Sindbad – My First Voyage 2

  1. Pedestrians must cross the road on zebra-crossing.
  2. Everyone must respect safety rules.
  3. The vehicles must stop at seeing the red light.
  4. The vehicles must get ready at seeing, yellow light.
  5. The vehicles must move forward at seeing, green light.
  6. Everyone must observe the traffic lights and act.
  7. The vehicles can not be parked at no parking area.
  8. The drivers of the vehicles must not drink and drive.
  9. The drivers should not attend the cell phones while driving.
  10. The drivers must not blow the home in silent zones such as hospitals.
  11. The drivers must keep up the speed limit.
  12. When the pedestrians cross the road they must look to the right, left then to right before crossing the road.
  13. Playing on the roadside, crossing the road carelessly must be avoided.
  14. When the vehicles go near schools, they must go slowly.

Step to Success (Text Book Page No. 103)

H. A set of words are given below. Categorize it under the appropriate columns.
Samacheer Kalvi 7th English Guide Term 3 Supplementary Chapter 1 Sindbad – My First Voyage 3

AirportRailway StationHarbour
air hostessTTECaptain
passportengine driverdeck

Sindbad – My First Voyage Summary in English
Sindbad – My First Voyage Summary in English

Sindbad, the hero of adventure stories, narrates the story of his first voyage. Sindbad on his first voyage missed his ship. He was thrown on an island. After some time, fortunately, Sindbad met his old ship and the crew. He presented the king of the island with some gifts. The king also gifted him with some valuables. Sindbad returned to Baghdad as a rich man.

Sindbad – My First Voyage Summary in Tamil

சிந்துபாத், வீரசாகச கதைகளின் கதாநாயகன் ஆவான். அவனது முதல் கடல் பயணக் கதையை இங்கு விவரிக்கப்படுகிறது. சிந்துபாத் தன் முதல் கடல் பயணத்தில் தன் கப்பலை தவற விட்டு விடுகிறான். ஒரு தீவின் மீது தூக்கி எறியப்படுகிறான். அதிர்ஷ்டவசமாக, சிந்துபாத் தான் பயணம் செய்து வந்த பழைய கப்பல் மாலுமிகளை திரும்ப சந்திக்கிறான். தீவின் மன்னருக்கு பரிசளிக்கிறான். மன்னரும் சில விலை உயர்ந்த பொருட்களை பரிசளித்தார். சிந்துபாத் செல்வந்தனாய் பாக்தாத் திரும்பினான்.