Students can download 6th Social Science History Term 1 Chapter 2 Human Evolution Questions and Answers, Notes, Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Guide Pdf helps you to revise the complete Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus, helps students complete homework assignments and to score high marks in board exams.
Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science History Solutions Term 1 Chapter 2 Human Evolution
Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Human Evolution Text Book Back Questions and Answers
I. Choose the correct answer
Question 1.
The process of evolution is …………….
(a) direct
(b) indirect
(c) gradual
(d) fast
(c) gradual
Question 2.
Tanzania is situated in the continent of ________.
(a) Asia
(b) Africa
(c) America
(d) Europe
(b) Africa
II. Match the statement with the reason. Tick the appropriate answer:
Question 1.
Statement : Migration of man of different parts of the world resulted in changes of physic and colour
Reason : Climatic changes.
(a) Statement is correct.
(b) Reason is wrong.
(c) Statement and Reason are correct.
(d) Statement and Reason are wrong.
(c) Statement and Reason are correct
III. Find out the right pair
(a) Australopithecus – Walked on both legs
(b) Homo habilis – Upright man
(c) Homo erectus – Wise man
(d) Homo sapiens – Less protruding face
(c) Homo erectus – Wise man
IV. Fill in the blanks
- ………………. unearthed the footprints of humans in Tanzania.
- Millions of years ago, our ancestors led a ………………. life.
- The main occupations of the ancient humans were ………………. and ……………….
- The invention of ………………. made farming easier.
- Rock paintings are found at ………………. in Nilgiris.
- Anthropologist.
- Nomadic.
- hunting, gathering.
- Plough.
- Porivarai cave.
V. State True or False
- Anthropology is the study of coins.
- Homo erectus (Java man) had the knowledge of fire.
- The first scientific invention of humans was wheel.
- Goat was the first animal to be domesticated by humans.
- False
- True
- True
- False
VI. Answer in one word
Question 1.
What method is used to find out the age of the excavated materials?
Radio Carbon dating method.
Question 2.
What did early humans wear?
Hides of animals and barks of trees and leaves.
Question 3.
Where did early humans live?
In caves.
Question 4.
Which animal was used for ploughing?
Question 5.
When did humans settle in one place?
When people began to practice agriculture, life became an organised one. It made the people settle in one place.
VII. Answer the following
Question 1.
What is evolution?
Evolution is the process through which humankind changes and develops towards an advanced stage of life.
Question 2.
Write any two characteristics of Homo sapiens,
- Homo sapiens were wise men.
- They migrated out of Eastern Africa settled in different parts of the world.
- Their lifestyle also evolved and they made it suitable to the environs in which they lived.
Question 3.
Why did humans move from place to place?
Humans kept on moving in search of food.
Question 4.
Describe the ancient methods of hunting,
- Collective hunting: Went as a group and hunted the prey
- They dung a pit and trapped the animals and hunted.
Question 5.
Why were axes made?
The axes were made to cut trees, remove barks, dig pits, hunt animals and remove the skin of animals.
Question 6.
How would you define archaeology?
- Archaeology is the study of pre-historic humans.
- Excavated material remains are the main source for archaeological studies.
Question 7.
What do you know about anthropology?
Anthropology is the study of humans and evolutionary history.
Question 1.
Importance of invention of the wheel from the ancient period to the modern period
- Early homosapiens realised that round objects could be easily moved by rolling them.
- Their descendants advanced this rolling technique into the transportation of large objects on cylindrical logs.
- The invention of the wheel and axle allowed a rolling log to be placed through a hole in the wheel to create a cart.
- Chariot racing was influential in the evolution of the spoked wheel as it allowed chariots to move much faster.
- The invention of air-filled rubber tyres allowed wheels to be much faster, sturdier, and stronger.
IX. Activity ( For Student)
Prepare an album collecting the pictures of ancient humans of different ages.
X. Answer Grid
Question 1.
The invention of …………….. made pot making it easier.
Question 2.
Barter system means ……………..
Exchanging one thing for another.
Question 3.
Name any two weapons used by early humans for hunting.
Stones, bones, and horns of animals.
Question 4.
Which is the best stone for making weapons?
chikki – mukki – kal
Question 5.
Towns and cities emerged because ……………. of …………….. and.
trade, commerce
Question 6.
Which was the first scientific invention of humans?
Question 7.
Identify the pictures in rock paintings.
Hunting and dancing pictures
Question 8.
Which was the main occupation of early humans? What do cave paintings tell us?
Information about the past.
Question 9.
Where did the early humans live?
In caves.
Question 10.
…………….. is related to the field of archaeology.
Question 11.
Name any two animals domesticated by an early humans.
Dogs and Oxen
XI. Life Skill (For Students)
- Make pots and tools by using clay.
- Collect different types of moving dolls and tell them to change the wheels with different shapes like square, triangle, etc., and find out how it moves.
Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Human Evolution Additional Important Questions and Answers
I. Choose the correct answer
Question 1.
The word ‘anthropology’ is derived from two …………….. words.
(a) Greek
(b) Latin
(c) Sanskrit
(d) Prakrit
(a) Greek
Question 2.
Harpoons and spear throwers were used by _______
(a) Homo erectus
(b) Homo sapiens
(c) Cromagnons
(d) Homo habilis
II. Match the statement with the reason
Question 1.
Statement: Early humans decided to use guns for hunting.
Reason: It was difficult for them to kill big animals with a stick or stone.
a. Both statement and reason are correct
b. Both statement and reason are the wrong
c. The statement is wrong and the reason is correct.
d. Statement is correct and the reason is wrong.
(c) Statement is wrong and the reason is correct.
III. Find out the wrong pair
(a) Homo sapiens – Africa
(b) Homo habits – South Africa
(c) Homo erectus – Asia
(d) Cro – magnons – China
(d) Cro – magnons – China
IV. State True or False
- The Neanderthal people buried the dead.
- During the prehistoric period, horses were used to draw carts. Homo sapiens were wise.
- Flintstones were easily available.
- Coins made of iron were used by prehistoric people.
- True
- False
- True
- False
- False
V. Answer in brief
Question 1.
Write a short note on the mode of transport in 1850.
- There were no buses or cycles.
- A cart pulled by mules and bullocks were seen on the roads.
- A horse-drawn cart was a rare occurrence.
Question 2.
What is meant by the barter system?
The early men exchanged the surplus grains with other groups for the other things they were in need of. This is called the barter system.
V. Answer in brief
Question 1.
Write a short note on the mode of transport in 1850.
- There were no buses or cycles.
- A cart pulled by mules and bullocks were seen on the roads.
- A horse-drawn cart was a rare occurrence.
Question 2.
What is meant by the barter system?
The early men exchanged the surplus grains with other groups for the other things they were in need of. This is called the barter system.
VI. Mind map