Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 8th Social Science Guide Pdf Geography Chapter 8 Map Reading Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Important Questions, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 8th Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 8 Map Reading

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Social Science Map Reading Text Book Back Questions and Answers

I. Choose the best answer.
1. The subject which deals with map making process is ……………….. .
a) Demography
b) Cartography
c) Physiography
d) Topography
b) Cartography

2. A map that shows the physical features of an area is called ………………. .
a) Cadastral map
b) Relief map
c) Climatic map
d) Resource map
a) Cadastral map

3. Shallow water bodies are represented by ……………. colour
a) Yellow
b) Brown
c) Light blue
d) Dark blue
c) Light blue

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 7 Mapping Skills

4. The maps which are known as plans are
a) Cadastral maps
b) Topographical maps
c) Isoline maps
d) Transport maps
a) Cadastral maps

5. Actual distribution of population can be represented by …………….. .
a) lines
b) Shades
c) Dots
d) Contours
b) Shades

II. Fill in blanks.
1. The globe is the true representation of the ……………… .

2. A way of representing the spherical earth on a flat surface is …………….. .

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 7 Mapping Skills

3. A line that joins the points of equal elevation is ……………. .

4. Cadastral maps are usually maintained by…………….. .
Thematic map

5. …………… map is focused on a specific theme.
Local administrator

III. Choose the option which matches the following correctly.
1. Legend – 45°
2. North East – brown colour
3. Contour Line – thematic map
4. Cadastral map – key of a map
5. Choropleth – taxation
a) 3,5,1,4,2
b) 4,1,2,5,3
c) 2,5,1,3,4
d) 5,2,4,1,3
c) 2,5,1,3,4

IV. Match the statement with the reason and select the correct answer.
1. Statement : Small scale maps can show only major features.
Reason : Due to lack of space ,it shows large areas like Continents and countries,
a) Statement is true but reason is wrong.
b) Statement is wrong and reason is correct,
c) Both the statement and reasons are correct
d) Both the statement and reasons are wrong.
c) Both the statement and reasons are correct

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 7 Mapping Skills

2. Statement : The conventional signs and symbols are the keys of map reading.
Reason : These symbols give a lots of information in a limited area.
a) Both the statement and reasons are correct.
b) Statement is wrong and reason is correct.
c) Statement is true but reason is wrong.
d) Both the statement and reasons are wrong.
a) Both the statement and reasons are correct

V. Answer the following in a sentence or two.
1. Define “Map scale”.

  1. Map scale refers to the relationship (or ratio) between distance on a map and the corresponding distance on the ground.
  2. The map scale is stated in words i.e., 1 cm to 1 km.

2. What is a physical map?
Map which shows the physical feature of an area is called a physical map.

3. Write a short note on map projection.
Answer:A map projection is a way of representing the spherical earth on a flat surface of a map. The curved surface of the earth cannot be shown accurately on a map. So, cartographers use map projections while mapping the earth surface which would help them to reduce distortions.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 7 Mapping Skills

4. Name the Intermediate directions.
The intermediate directions are northeast, north west, south east, and south west.

5. What are the uses of a cadastral map?
Cadastral maps are useful for local administration such as the city survey, taxation, management of estates and to define property in legal documents.

VI. Differentiate.
1. Relief map and thematic map.

Relief MapThematic Map
Map that shows the physical features of an area is Usually called Relief map.Map that focuses on a specific them or subject area.
It shows landforms like rivers, mountains.It shows phenomena like temperature variation, rainfall distribution and population density.

2. Large scale map and small scale map.

Large scale MapSmall Scale Map
Large scale maps portray the information in detail than the small scale maps.Small scale maps shows only major feature omitting the minor ones due to lack of space. Large areas like continents or countries small scale maps are used.

3. Globe and Map.

Globe gives a three-dimensional representation of the entire world and it is a miniature form of the earth.Map gives a two-dimensional representation of certain regions or the entire world.

VII. Answer in a paragraph.
1. Explain the different types of scales in detail.
Scales on maps can be represented in three different ways. They are:

  1. Statement or Verbal scale
  2. Representative Fraction (RF) or Ratio Scale
  3. Graphical or Bar Scale

1. Statement or Verbal scale:

  • In this method, the map scale is stated in words i.e., 1 cm to 1 km.
  • It means 1 cm distance on the map corresponds to 1 km distance on the ground.
  • Thus it is written on the map like 1 cm to 1 km.

2. Representative Fraction (RF) or Numerical Fraction or Ratio Scale:

  • It shows the relationship between the map distance and the corresponding ground distance in the same units of length.
  • R.F. is generally shown as a fraction.

3. Graphical or Bar Scale or Linear Scale:

  • A graphic scale looks like a small ruler drawn at the bottom of the page.
  • This line is divided and sub-divided into lengths each of which represents a certain distance on the ground.
  • This scale has an added advantage for taking copies of maps as the measurement does not change.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 7 Mapping Skills

2. Describe the Cadastral map and its importance.

  • The Cadastral map refers to a map which shows the boundaries and ownership of land within a specified area.
  • They are sometimes called plans.
  • They show full details of boundaries and buildings.
  • They are useful for local administration such as city survey, taxation to define property in legal documents.
  • It is maintained by the government as a public record.


  • It surveys documents boundaries of land ownership, diagrams, sketches plan, and maps.
  • They are originally used to ensure reliable facts for land valuation and taxation.

3. Write a paragraph about the conventional signs and symbols.
The conventional signs and symbols:

  1. Conventional signs are symbols used in maps to represent different features.
  2. The symbols are explained in the key of the map.
  3. These symbols give a lot of information in a limited space.
  4. With the use of these symbols, maps can be drawn easily and the concept of the map can be understood well. There is an international agreement regarding the use of certain symbols.
  5. The symbols that fall under this category are Called Conventional Symbols. Another category is called contextual symbols which are decided by the cartographers.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Social Science Map Reading Additional Important Questions and Answers

I. Choose the Correct answer.
1. A choropleth map is a ………………… Map.
a) Physical
b) Thematic
c) Cadastral
d) All of these
b) Thematic

2. Each dot on a dot – density map represents some amount of …………………
a) data
b) water
c) equal
d) All of these
a) data

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 7 Mapping Skills

3. Cadastral is derived from ………………… word.
a) french
b) Latin
c) greek
d) English
a) french

4. The ………………… surface of the earth cannot be shown accurately on a map.
a) flat
b) curved
c) spherical
d) None of the above
b) curved

5. Latitudes and longitudes marked on the map give the ………………… information of the area.
a) Locational
b) Physical
c) Thematical
d) Directional
a) Location

6. The ………………… cannot draw maps the same size as the land.
a) Demography
b) Cartography
c) Physiography
d) Topography
b) Cartography

7. A ………………… looks like a small ruler drawn at the bottom of the page.
a) Verbal scale
b) Bar scale
c) Legend
d) Direction
b) Bar scale

8. A ………………… is included in a map to unlock it.
a) Verbal scale
b) Bar scale
c) Legend
d) Direction
c) Legend

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 7 Mapping Skills

9. ………………… is of done by means of an arrow pointing to the north
a) Verbal scale
b) Bar scale
c) Legend
d) Direction
d) Direction

10. The ………………… should normally be given outside the frame of the map.
a) Source
b) Bar scale
c) Legend
d) Direction
a) Source

II. Fill in the blanks.
1. Each map has its own ………………… which is indicated on the map.

2. ………………… tells about the content of the map.

3. ………………… shows the relationship between the map distance and the corresponding ground distance.
Representative fraction

4. A ………………… looks like a small ruler drawn at the bottom of the page.
graphic scale

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 7 Mapping Skills

5. Directions on a map are often given with a symbol called ………………….
a Compass rose

6. Maps and globe an important tools for …………………

7. ………………… is an act of interpreting or understanding the geographic information portrayed on a map.
Map reading

8. Globe gives a dimensional Representation of the entire world.
Ans: three

9. ………………… and ………………… marked on maps give the locational information of the area covered in the respective maps.
Latitudes, Longitudes

10. ………………… give a lot of information in a limited space.
Conventional signs

11. The meaning cadastral, is ………………….
Register of Territorial Property

12. ………………… are classified into qualitative and quantitative thematic maps.
Thematic maps

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 7 Mapping Skills

13. ………………… is an act of interpreting the geographic information Portuguese on a map
Map Reading

14. In the represents ………………… distance
1 km

15. In the map Legend symbol denotes …………………

III. Choose the option which matches the following correctly.

1. Mapa) Lines connect the same value
2. Cartographyb) Register of Territorial property
3. Map scalec) Mapmaking
4. Cadastred) two-dimensional representation
5. Isolinee) relationship between distance


1. Mapa) Lines connect the same value
2. Cartographyb) Register of Territorial property
3. Map scalec) Mapmaking
4. Cadastred) two-dimensional representation
5. Isolinee) relationship between distance

IV. Match the statement with the reason and select the correct answer.
1. Statement: A map projection is a way of representing the spherical earth on a flat surface of a map.
Reason: The curved surface of the earth cannot be shown accurately on a map.
a) Statement is true but the reason is wrong.
b) Statement is wrong and the reason is correct,
c) Both the statement and reasons are correct.
d) Both the statement and reasons are wrong.
c) Both the statement and reasons are correct

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 7 Mapping Skills

2. Statement: map key or legend is included in a map to unlock it.
Reason: It gives you the information needed for the map to make sense.
a) Statement is true but the reason is wrong.
b) Statement is wrong and the reason is correct.
c) Both the statement and reasons are correct.
d) Both the statement and reasons are wrong.
c) Both the statement and reasons are correct

V. Answer the following in a sentence or two.
1. Why Is cadastral important?
Codastral map survey documents the boundaries of land ownership, by the production of document diagram, sketches, plans, charts, and maps.

2. What are two kinds of Thematic maps?
A thematic map is classified into qualitative and quantitative thematic maps.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 7 Mapping Skills

3. What is a Qualitative map?
A qualitative map is in the form of quality and expresses the presence or absence of the subject on a map like the kind of vegetation.

4. What are Isobars?
Isobars shows the distribution of atmospheric pressure and isotherms showing the distribution of temperature.

5. State any two uses of maps.

  • To find the location of objects and places.
  • Display weather conditions.

VI. Differentiate.
1. Conventional signs and Symbols.

Conventional signsSymbols
Conventional signs are symbols used in maps to represent different features.The symbols are explained in the key of the map. These symbols give a lot of information in a limited space.

2. Cadastral Map and Thematic Map.

Cadastral MapThematic Map
A cadastral map refers to a map that shows the boundaries and ownership of land within a specified area. These maps are sometimes known as plans.A thematic map is a map that focuses on a specific theme or subject area such as physical phenomena like temperature variation, rainfall distribution and population density in an area.
As they are on large scale, they show full details of the boundaries and buildings.Thematic maps emphasize spatial variation of human issues like population density or prevalence of diseases.

VII. Answer in a paragraph.
1. What are the uses of maps?

  • To find location of objects and places.
  • To find the transportation routes.
  • Maps show strategic location is useful for the military.
  • Serve as a tourist guide.
  • To find the spatial distribution of different phenomena.
  • Display weather conditions.
  • Highly helpful in learning geography.
  • Represent the real world on small scale.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 7 Mapping Skills

2. What are the basic components of a map? Explain any two.
The basic components of a map are

  • Title
  • Scale
  • Legend or key
  • Direction
  • Source
  • Map projection and locational information and
  • Conventional signs and symbols.

The title tells about the content of the map and is placed mostly at the top comer or at the bottom comer of the map.

Legend or key:

  • A map key or Legend is included to unlock the map.
  • It gives us the needed information.
  • Maps often use symbols or colours to represent things and the key explains what they mean.
  • Symbols are the key might be pictures or icons that represent different things on the map.
  • Some examples are map legend.
  • Campground.
  • Emergency Telephone.
  • Gravel Road.