Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Pdf Term 1 Supplementary Chapter 3 Spices of India Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 1 Supplementary Chapter 3 Spices of India

6th English Guide Spices of India Text Book Back Questions and Answers

Textual Exercise (Text Book Page No. 153)

A. Answer to following questions.

1. Why do we add spices to food?
We add spices to food to balance nutrition and to keep us healthy.

2. Which spices are used a lot in Indian food?
Spices like cumin, mustard, pepper, cloves, fennel, cinnamon, and turmeric are used a lot in Indian food.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. Which parts of a plant are collected as spices?
Flowers, leaves, roots, bark, seeds, and bulbs.

4. What are the uses of spices?
When cooked with rice, meat, fish, or vegetables, the spices give the dish a special savoury taste. It makes us want to eat more.

5. What happened after Columbus discovered America?
After Columbus discovered America, he got chilli.

B. Choose the best option.

1. People say curry comes from a Tamil word ‘Kari’ which means
a) soup
b) sauce
c) sambar
b) sauce

2. Pepper is also known as
a) liquid gold
b) black gold
c) white gold
Ans: b) black gold

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3 wrote about cinnamon in 2700 BC (BCE).
a) Chinese
b) Indians
c) Japanese
a) Chinese

4. The Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians all bought cinnamon from
a) Japan
b) South America
c) India
c) India


C. Compare the travel maps of vasco da Gama and Columbus.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 1 Supplementary Chapter 3 Spices of India 1
Fill in the table with the prompts. Frame sentences with the help of the table. (Text Book Page No. 154)
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 1 Supplementary Chapter 3 Spices of India 2

SailorVasco da GamaColumbus
Year of travel1497-991492-1504
Started fromPortugalPortugal
ReachedCalicutSouth America
ExploredPepperPepper & Chilli
Taken awayPepperChilli

Connecting to Self (Text Book Page No. 154)

D. Look at the table carefully. Then Complete the points below.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 1 Supplementary Chapter 3 Spices of India 3
1. The paddy plants are given manure after thirty-five days.
2. The plants take thirty days in the ripening phase.
3. It takes 10 days to harvest the rice.
4. The rice grains have to be dried and then stored.
5. We soaked the grains for three days before boiling.

E. Talk in groups. Then share your thoughts with the class.

Do you usually eat all the food served to you? If not, what are the reasons? When you eat lunch at school, which are the dishes you don’t eat or waste?
Yes, I usually eat all the food served to me. I eat lunch at 1.00 p.m. at school. The tiffin items are the dishes I don’t eat.
Why do you avoid certain food items?
I don’t have any taste in taking certain food items.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

Can you think of ways to reduce the amount of food wasted in your school?
Yes, I can.

Have you seen or known anyone in need of food? Have you helped them? How?
Yes, I have seen someone in need of food. I have helped them by giving him a part of my lunch.

Take a pledge in your group not to waste food.
We the students of this school take a pledge that we will not waste food anyway and any longer.

Step to Success (Text Book Page No. 155)

1. Four of the following five are alike in certain ways and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
a. Garlic
b. Sesame
c. Mustard
d. Olive
e. Com
e) Corn

2. In a certain code language if KBOVBSZ is the code word for JANUARY, what is the code word for OCTOBER?

Spices of India Summary in English

In India, spices are the soul of food. Many of the spices in our food are added to balance nutrition and to keep us healthy. Many voyages were made to conquest the spice trade. In 1492, Columbus went to find India and pepper but ran into America and found the chilli. Vasco da Gama, six years later to reach Kozhikode, found pepper. Spices were always important to India’s trade. Spices were traded with Mesopotamia, China, Sumeria, Egypt, and Arabia as far back as 7000 years ago. The Romans sent 120 ships from Egypt to trade with India and bring back enormous quantities of pepper.

Spices of India Summary in Tamil

இந்தியாவில் நறுமணப் பொருட்களே நம் உணவின் ஆன்மாவாகும். நமது உணவின் பல நறுமணப் பொருட்கள் ஊட்டச்த்தை சமப்படுத்தவும் ஆரோக்கியமாக வைத்திருக்கவும் சேர்க்கப்படுகின்றன. நறுமணப்பொருள் வர்த்தகத்தை கைப்பற்ற பல பயணங்கள் மேற்கொள்ளப்பட்டன. 1492-ஆம் ஆண்டில் கொலம்பஸ் இந்தியாவையும், மிளகையும் கண்டுபிடிக்கச் சென்றார். ஆனால் அமெரிக்காவிற்கு சென்று ஓடி மிளகாயைக் கண்டுபிடித்தார். வாஸ்கோடகாமா ஆறு ஆண்டுகளுக்குப் பிறகு கோழிக்கோட்டை அடைந்து, மிளகை கண்டுபிடித்தார். நறுமணப்பொருட்கள் எப்போதும் இந்தியாவின் வர்த்தகத்தில் முக்கியமானது. மெசபடோமியா, சீனா, சுமேரியா, எகிப்து மற்றும் அரேபியா ஆகியவற்றுடன் நறுமணப் பொருட்கள் ஏழாயிரம் ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன்பு வரை வர்த்தகம் செய்யப்பட்டன. ரோமானியர்கள் எகிப் திலிருந்து 120 கப்பல்களை இந்தியாவுடனான வணிகத்திற்கு அனுப்பி பெருமளவில் மிளகை எடுத்துச் சென்றனர்.