Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 8th Social Science Guide Pdf Geography Chapter 7 Exploring Continents Africa, Australia and Antarctica Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Important Questions, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 8th Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 7 Exploring Continents Africa, Australia and Antarctica

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Social Science Exploring Continents Africa, Australia and Antarctica Text Book Back Questions and Answers

I. Choose the correct answer.
1. The southernmost tip of Africa is.
a) Cape Blanca
b) Cape Agulhas
c) Cape of Good Hope
d) Cape Town
c) Cape of Good Hope

2. The manmade canal through an isthmus between Egypt and Sinai Peninsula is
a) Panama Canal
b) Aswan Canal
c) Suez Canal
d) Albert Canel
c) Suez Canal

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 7 Mapping Skills

3. In respect of the Mediterranean climate, consider the following statements, and choose the correct answer.
(1) The average rainfall is 15cm
(2) The summers are hot and dry, winters are rainy.
(3) Winters are cool and dry, Summers are hot and wet
(4) Citrus fruits are grown
a) 1 is correct
b) 2 and 4 are correct
c) 3 and 4 are correct
d) All are correct
b) 2 and 4 are correct

4. The range which separates the west and east flowing rivers in Australia is
a) Great Dividing Range
b) Himalayan Range
c) Flinders range
d) Mac Donnell Range
a) Great Dividing Range

5. Kalgoorile is famous for ………. mining.
a) Diamond
b) Platinum
c) Silver
d) Gold
d) Gold

II. Fill in the blanks.
1. Atlas Mountain is located in ………………. continent

2. ………………. is the highest peak of Africa.
Mt. Kilimanjaro

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 7 Mapping Skills

3. ………………. is the most common tree in Australia.

4. A temperate grass land of Australia is called ………………. .

5. ………………. is the first Indian research station in Antarctica.
Dakshi Gangotri

III. Match the following.

1. Pinnaclea) Equatorial forest.
2. Krillb) salt lake
3. Ostrichc) small red fish
4. Lake Eyred) flightless bird
5. Jewel of the Earthe) Pointed limestone pillar


1. Pinnaclee) Pointed limestone pillar
2. Krillc) small red fish ‘
3. Ostrichd) flightless bird
4. Lake Eyreb) salt lake
5. Jewel of the Eartha) Equatorial forest

IV. Let us learn.
1. Assertion (A) : Aurora is a curtain of colour lights appear in the sky.
Reason (R) : They are caused by magnetic storms in the upper atmosphere.
a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation for A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) R is true but A is false
a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 7 Mapping Skills

2. Assertion (A) : A geological feature of Africa is the Great Rift Valley.
Reason (R) : A Rift valley is a large crack in the earth’s surface formed by tectonic activity.
a) Both A and R is individually true and R is the correct explanation for A.
b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation for A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) R is true but, A is false.
a) Both A and R is individually true and R is the correct explanation for A

V. Answer in brief.
1. Why Africa is called a “Mother Continent”?
Africa is nicknamed the ‘Mother Continent’ as it was the oldest inhabited continent on Earth.

2. What are the important rivers of Africa?
The most important rivers in Africa

  • River Nile – father of African rivers.
  • River Congo or Zaire – the second largest river.
  • River Niger – Major river.
  • River Zambezi – fourth largest river and River of life.

3. Name the physical division of Australia.
The Physical divisions of Australia are –

  1. The Great Western Plateau
  2. The Central Low lands
  3. The Eastern High lands

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 7 Mapping Skills

4. Write about the nature of the Antarctic continent.

  • Antarctica is the southernmost and fifth-largest continent in the world.
  • As it is located in polar regions it is the coldest continent with a permanent cover of ice.
  • Its landform consists of mountains, peaks, valleys, glaciers, and plateau.

5. Mention any four economic activities of Australia.
Agriculture, forestry, fishing mining, manufacturing, trade, and services are the major economic activities of Australia.

VI. Distinguish between.
1. Sahel and Sahara

Sahel means border or marginLargest hot desert in the world.
It is largely a semi – acid belt of barren, sandy and rocky land.It covers the area of 11 countries.
This region marks the physical and cultural transition.Mt. Koussi, an extinct volcano in chad is the highest point in Sahara.

2. Western Antarctica and Eastern Antarctica.

Western AntarcticaEastern Antarctica
Faces the Pacific Ocean.Faces the Atlantic and Indian Ocean.
Antarctica Penninsula which points towards South America shows that it is the continuation of the Andes mountain range.Mt. Erebus is an active volcano. Located in Ross Island. Onlycontinent called white continent because of the ice cap in 4,000 meters deep.

3. Great Barrier Reef and the Artesian Basin.

Barrier ReefArtesian Basin
1. It is located in the northeast of Australia along the east coast of Queensland in the Pacific Ocean.The Artesian Basin is a region on the earth’s surface where water gushes out like a fountain.
2. It is formed by the tiny coral polyps.Largest and deepest basin in the world.
3. It is about 2300 km long.Located in the west of the Great Dividing range.
4. One of the natural wonders of the world.Found in arid and Semi-arid parts of Queensland.

VII. Give reasons.
1. Egypt is called the gift of the Nile.

  • The Nile is the lifeline of Egypt
  • Without the Nile, Egypt would have been a desert
  • So Egypt in the gift of the Nile.

2. Deserts are found in the western margins of the continents.

  • Most deserts are found in the Western margins of the subtropics.
  • Because the prevailing winds in the tropics are tropical easterly winds.
  • The tropical easterly winds become dry by the time they reach the western margins.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 7 Mapping Skills

3. Antarctica is called the continent of scientists.

  • Scientists of any country are free to conduct experiments and collect data from Antarctica.
  • Hence it is called the ‘continent of Science’.

VIII. Answer in a paragraph each.
1. Give an account of the mineral wealth of Australia.

  • Minerals are the largest export item in Australia.
  • It contributes about 10 % of the country’s GDP.
  • Australia is the world’s leading producer of bauxite, limonite, the second-largest producer of gold. lead, lithium, manganese ore, and zinc.
  • The third-largest producer of iron ore and uranium and the fourth-largest producer of black coal.
  • The Coal belts of the country stretch from New castle to Sydney.
  • Iron ores are found mainly in southern and Western Australia.
  • Bauxite is mined around the Gulf of Carpentaria.
  • Uranium is mined in northern territory.
  • Gold is mined in the Western desert at Kalgoorlie and Coolgardie.

2. Describe the flora and fauna of Antarctica.
Flaora and Fauna:

  1. Since the temperature is below freezing point almost throughout the year, no major vegetation is found in this continent.
  2. Simple plants like algae, mosses, liverworts, lichens, and microscopic fungi can survive and grow in Antarctica.
  3. Some algae live in the snow, while other plants grow on the coastal rocky land that is ice-free.
  4. A few species of plants, such as plankton, algae, and mosses are seen in and around, Antarctica’s fresh and saltwater lakes.
  5. Small redfish called krill are found in large shoals. It is food for many warm-blooded sea animals.
  6. The blue whale is the largest animal that feeds on plankton. All these animals and birds have a thick layer of fat called blubber which helps them to withstand the cold condition.
  7. Penguin birds in Antarctica cannot fly. They have webbed feet and flippers instead of wings. Small invertebrates are the only land animals which live in the continent.

3. Name the physical divisions of Africa and explain anyone.
The physical divisions of Africa are

  1. Sahara
  2. Sahel
  3. Savanna
  4. The Great Rift Valley and the Great Lakes of Africa
  5. East Africa Highlands
  6. Swahili Coast
  7. The Congo Basin or Zaire Basin
  8. Southern Africa.


  • Sahel means border or margin. Sahel is a semi-arid tropical Savannah region that lies between Sahara.
  • Desert in the north and grassland into the south.
  • It Stretches east-west for a distance of 4000 km and covers an area of 30 million sq Km.
  • It is largely a semi-arid belt of barren, sandy, and rocky land.
  • This region marks the physical and cultural transition between the more fertile tropical regions in the south and desert in the north.

X. Activity.
1. Find out the hemisphere and season during December for the following countries

South AfricaSouthernSummer

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Social Science Exploring Continents Africa, Australia and Antarctica Additional Important Questions and Answers

I. Choose the correct answer.
1. Jasmania is also known as
a) Apple Island
b) Bourke
c) Artesion Basin
d) Sydney
a) Apple Island

2. …………….. was discovered by Captian James Cook in 1770
a) Canberra
b) Australia
c) Africa
d) Antarctica
b) Australia

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 7 Mapping Skills

3. Tropical rain forest is called the
a) Tropical deserts
b) Jewel of the earth
c) Mother continent
d) Rift Valley
b) Jewel of the earth

4. Lake is the largest freshwater body in Africa.
a) Supervisor
b) Victoria
c) Albert
d) Kiva
b) Victoria

5. Mount an extinct volcano in chad is the highest point in the Sahara
a) Koussi
b) Kilimanjaro
c) Everest
d) Atlas
a) Koussi

6. …………………. is nicknamed the ”mother continent”.
a) Africa
b) Australia
c) South Africa
d) None of these
a) Africa

7. the Maghreb means west in language.
a) greek
b) Sanskrit
c) Arabic
d) None of these
c) Arabic

8. …………….. is one of the largest hot deserts in the world.
a) Sahara
b) Sahel
c) Savanna
d) Great Rift Valley
a) Sahara

9. …………….. flows through West-Central Africa and drains into the Atlantic Ocean.
a) River Nile
b) River Congo
c) River Niger
d) River
b) River Congo

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 7 Mapping Skills

10. The Tropic of Capricorn cuts the continent almost into equal halves.
a) three
b) three
c) four
d) two
d) two

II. Fill in the blanks.
1. …………… is the largest research station on Antarctica.

2. Vinson. …………….. is the highest peak in Antarctica.

3. Wool is described as ……………. of Australia.
Cash Crop

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 7 Mapping Skills

4. …………… is the longest river in Australia.
River Murray

5. Great Barrier Reef is formed by …………………
Coral Polyps

6. Sahel means ………………..
border or margin

7. …………… is the capital of ghana.

8. …………… was the first to use the term “Dark Continent”.
Henry M. Stanly

9. ………….. is the deepest point in Sahara.
The Qattara Depression

10. …………… is the highest point in Atlas Mountain.
Mount Jaubbakal

11. ………….. is one of the largest plains in Savanna.
The Serengeti Plain

12. People of Swahili culture is called ……………….

13. ………………… Mountain is found in the eastern portion of the escarpment.

14. Nile river is also called ………………
Father of African river

15. The country Egypt is called ………………….
gift of the Nile

III. Match the following.

1. Bamboo treea) Veld
2. Karoob) Libya
3. Open air Zooc) Africa
4. A1 – zizad) Sheep rearing
5. Grasslande) Savanna


1. Bamboo treec) Africa
2. Karood) Sheep rearing
3. Open air Zooe) Savanna
4. A1 – zizab) Libya
5. Grasslanda) Veld

IV. Let us learn.
1. Assertion (A): Antarctica is a unique continent but it does not have a native population. There is no country in Antarctica.
Reason (R): It is located in the polar region, it is the coldest continent with a permanent cover of ice.
a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation for A.
b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation for A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) R is true but A is false.
a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation for A.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 7 Mapping Skills

2. Assertion (A): A rift valley is a large crack in the earth’s surface formed by the shifting of tectonic plates.
Reason (R): It runs through eastern Africa and contains many lakes.
a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation for A.
b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation for A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) R is true but A is false.
a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation for A.

V. Answer in brief.
1. Write a short note on Xerophytes.
The Plants and trees in Australia are adapted to dry conditions and can survive for long period without water called Xerophytes.

2. What is the Political division of Australia?

  • The political division of Australia are six states and two union territories.
  • They are New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Jasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, and Capital Territory.

3. What do you know about the “Continent of Science”?
Scientists of any Country are free to conduct experiments and collect data from Antarctica and so it is called the continent of science.

4. Great Barrier Reef – Explain

  • Great Barrier Reef is located in the northeast of Australia along the east coast of Queen’s land in the Pacific Ocean.
  • It is formed by the tiny coral polyps.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 7 Mapping Skills

5. State a few minerals found in Antarctica.
Few minerals found in Antarctica are gold, Platinium, Nickel, Copper, and petroleum.

VI. Distinguish between.
1. The Great Western Plateau and The eastern highlands.

The Great Western Plateau (Australia)The eastern highlands
1. It is Australia’s largest physical division. Its area is about 2,700,000 square kilometers.It extends for about 3860 km along the eastern edge of Australia.
2. It is 863 meters high above sea level. It is one of the natural wonders of Australia.Australian Alps mountain range is the highest mountain range in Australia.
It is covered with ice.
3. The Great Victoria Desert is the largest desert in Australia located in Western, Australia, and South Australia.The highest peak of this range is Mt. Kosciuszko (2230 m) and is located in New South Wales.

2. River Nile and River Congo or Zaire.

River NileRiver Congo or Zaire
The Nile is the longest river in the world. The Nile is known as the “Father of African Rivers”.Congo is the second largest river in Africa after the Nile.
Its length is about 6650 km.Its length is about 4700km.
It flows northward and drains into the Mediterranean-sea.It flows through West-Central Africa and drains into the Atlantic Ocean.

VII. Give reasons.
1. The Zambezi River is a Southern African “River of Life.

  • The fourth-largest river system in Africa.
    It drains seven countries and supports millions of people, who make use of its rich fisheries, forests, water, and rich floodplain soils.

2. the Nile is known as the “Father of African Rivers”.

  • Nile River the longest river in the world, called the father of African rivers.
  • It rises south of the Equator and flows northward through northeastern Africa to drain into the Mediterranean Sea.
  • It has a length of about 6,650 kilometers and drains an area estimated at 3,349,000 square kilometers.

1. How is the climatic condition of Africa divided?
It is divided into six major climatic zones. They are.
Arid and semi-arid climate:

  • Northern & Southern Africa
  • Rainfall – scanty Tropical Savanna Climate:
  • 100-200 latitude or either side of the equator
  • The tropical wet and dry climate
  • Equatorial climate
  • The equatorial region near the congo basin and east African highlands.
  • Temperature and rainfall are high.

Temperature Climate:

  • The southern tip of southern Africa.
  • Climate Equable
  • Mediterranean Climate
  • NorthWestern and Southwestern tip of Africa.
  • Gets rainfall in winter while in summer it is hot and dry.

Tropical Monsoon Climate:

  • Eastern shore of Africa.
  • Summer is hot with monsoon winds bringing good rainfall winter is cool and dry.

2. What’s the role of agriculture in Africa?

  • Agriculture is a major economic activity.
  • Wheat is grown in temperate grasslands.
  • Rice is cultivated on the Guinea coast.
  • Maize and Millets are grown all over the plateau.
  • Cotton is the chief cash crop of Africa.
  • Coffee is grown in Ethiopia
  • Ghana is the chief producer of cocoa.
  • Oil palm in west African countries.
  • Sugarcane, rubber, tobacco are the major crops of East African countries.