Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 8th Social Science Guide Pdf Civics Chapter 4 Human Rights and UNO Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Important Questions, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 8th Social Science Solutions Civics Chapter 4 Human Rights and UNO

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Social Science Human Rights and UNO Text Book Back Questions and Answers

I. Choose the correct answer:

1. After the Second World War ……………….. has taken several measures to protect the human rights.
a) UNO
b) Supreme Court
c) International Court of Justice
d) none
a) UNO

2. In 1995 women from all over the world gathered at ………………..
a) Beijing
b) New York c) Delhi
d) none
a) Beijing

3. The National Human Rights Commission was constituted in ………………..
a) 1990
b) 1993 c) 1978
d) 1979
b) 1993

4. The UNO declared 1979 as the International year of ………………..
a) Girl Child b) Children c) women
d) none
b) Children

5. When is Human Rights Day observed?
a) 9th December
b) 10th December .
c) 11th December
d) 12th December
b) 10th December

6. Which one is known as modern International Magna Carta of Human rights?
d) International year for women

7. Who can be appointed as the chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission?
a) Retired judge of high court
b) Any retired Chief Justice of the Supreme Court,
c) Any person appointed by the President.
d) Retired Chief Judge of any court.
c) Any person appointed by the President

8. How many articles does the Universal Declaration of Human Rights contain?
a) 20
b) 30
c) 40
d) 50
b) 30

9. What is the tenure of the Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission?
a) 5 years or upto 62 years of age
b) 5 years or upto 65 years of age
c) 6 years or upto 65 years of age
d) 5 years or upto 70 years of age
d) 5 years or upto 70 years of age

10. Where is the headquarters of the National Human Rights Commission?
a) New Delhi
b) Mumbai
c) Ahmedabad
d) Kolkata
a) New Delhi

II. Fill in the blanks

1. Each individual has ……………….. to lead a dignified life.
the right

2. Human Rights are ……………….. rights.

3. The State Human Rights commission was formed on ………………..
17th April 1997

4. Article 24 of Indian Constitution prohibits ………………..
Child Labour

5. United Nations Organisation was established in the year ………………..
24th October,; 1945

III. Match the Following

1. Eleanor Roosevelta) world’s first charter of human rights
2. The Cyrus Cylinderb)1997
3. Eve Teasing Actc) freedom from slavery
4. Child help lined) Human Rights Commission
5. Civil righte) right to vote
6. Political rightf) 1098


1. Eleanor Rooseveltd) Human Rights Commission
2. The Cyrus Cylindera) world’s first charter of human rights
3. Eve Teasing Actb) 1997
4. Child helplinef) 1098
5. Civil rightc) freedom from slavery
6. Political righte) right to vote

IV. State true or false.

1. Human rights and civil rights are the same.

2. Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was proclaimed in India.

3. The Human Right Act of 1993 provides the creation of National Human Rights Commission.

4. National Human Rights Commission has empowered to give punishment to the victims.

5. Human Rights Commission was empowered to setup commission for the promotion of Human rights
at National and State level. ,

V. Consider the following statements and tick the appropriate answer.

1. Find the wrong statement
a) National Human Rights Commission is a statutory body.
b) National Human Rights Commission is a constitutional body.
c) National Human Rights Commission is an independent body.
d) National Human Rights Commission is a multilateral institution.
b) National Human Rights Commission is a constitutional body

2. Which of the following statement is not correct about the National Human Rights Commission?
a) It was established in 1993.
b) In the cases of human rights violation, the Commission has no rights to punish the culprit.
c) The Chairperson and members are of this Commission are appointed by the Supreme Court of India.
d) The Commission Sends its annual report to the Central Government and State Governments.
c) The Chairperson and members are of this Commission are appointed by the Supreme Court of India.

3. Assertion : Human Rights day is observed on 1 Oth December.
Reason : It commemorates Eleanor RooseveTs birthday.
a) A is correct but R does not explain A
b) A is correct but R explains A
c) A and R are correct
d) A and R are Wrong
a) A is correct but R does not explain A

4. Consider the following statements
1. The State Human Rights commission is a multi-member body.
2. The State Human Rights Commission consists of a chairperson and three members. Which of the statements given above is /are correct?
a) 1 only b) 2 only c) Both 1 and 2 d) None
b) 2 only

VI. Answer the following in one or two sentences

1. What are Human Rights?

  • Human Rights are rights inherent to all human beings regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, and religion.
  • Human rights include freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion, and education.

2. Bring out the importance of UDHR.

  • UDHR has been translated into more than 500 languages.
  • In the world it is the most translated document.
  • It describes all men are bom free and all are equal in status and right.
  • It promote the spirit of brotherhood.

3. What does Article 45 of Indian Constitution provide?
It provides that the state shall endeavor to provide early childhood care and education for all children until they complete the age of six years.

4. Write about Right to Education Act.
Article 21A provides that the state shall provide free and compulsory education to all children aged six to fourteen years.

5. State any three legislations passed to safeguard the welfare of women.

  • The Hindu Marriage Act 1955 – States that the marriageable age for women is 21.
  • The Eve Teasing Act 1997 – Gives relief to women.
  • The Factory Act 1948 – Protects the women workers.

6. Mention some of the political rights.
It includes the freedom of expression, and peaceful assembly, the right to take part in the government of one’s country, the right to vote, the freedom of speech and obtain information.

7. Name the five primary categories of Human Rights.
i) Civil Rights
ii) Political Rights
iii) Social Rights
iv) Economic Rights
v) Cultural Rights.

VII. Answer the following.in detail.

1. Distinguish between Human rights and Civil rights.

Human rightsCivil Rights
Human rights belong to everyone, everywhere, regardless of nationality, sexuality, gender, race, religion or age.Civil rights are those rights that one enjoys by virtue of citizenship in a particular nation or state.
Human rights are considered universal to all human beings and universal in all countries.Civil rights vary greatly from country to the country’s or government to government. It is related to the Constitution.
No nation may rightfully deprive human rights to an individual.Different nations can grant or deny different civil rights and liberties.
Human rights are basic rights inherent with birth.Civil rights are creation of the society.

2. Describe any five basic characteristics of Human rights. Basic characteristics of Human Rights:

  • Inherent – They are not granted by any person or authority.
  • Fundamental – They are fundamental rights because without them, the life and dignity of man will be meaningless.
  • Inalienable – They cannot be taken away from the individual.
  • Indivisible – They can’t be denied even when other rights have already been enjoyed .
  • Universal – They are universal. They apply irrespective of one’s origin or status. They are enforceable.

3. What are the measures taken by the government to protect the children?
The government has take some measures to protect the children from all kinds of exploitation and abuses. There are lows in India to Protecting the rights of the children.
i) Right to Education Act – Article 21 A.
ii) Child labour Act – Prohibition and Regulation Act 1986
iii) The Juvenile Justice Act 2000- Care and Protection of Children
iv) POCSO Act 2012 – Protection of Children from Sexual abuses
v) 1098 Childline – 24 hours emergency phone service for children.

VIII. Hots.

1. To whom does the Universal Declaration of Human Rights apply? Why is it important to you?

  • Because these are based on dignity, justice, and equality.
  • They are endowed with intelligence and concience and obliged to promote the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all men.
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights is applicable for all men and women in the world without any discrimination.
  • So it is very important.

IX. Project and Activity

1. Make a list of 10 rights that you enjoy, and the responsibilities that you have.
Article 14 – Equality before law.
Article 17 – Abolition of untouchability.
Article 20 – Freedom of speech, assembly movement, residence and profession.
Article 23 – Prohibition traffic human being and forced labour.
Article 28 – Prohibition of employment of Children in factories etc.
Article 26 – Freedom to manage religious affairs
Article 27 – Freedom from payments of taxes for promotion for any religion.
Article 28 – Freedom from attending religious instruction or worship in certain education institution.
Article 29 – Protection of languages, script and culture of minorities.
Article 31 – It allows individuals to seek redressal for the violation of their fundamental rights.


  1. Tolerate all religions.
  2. Do not hurt others.
  3. To protect the environment.
  4. Respect the elders.
  5. Follow the rules of government.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Social Science Human Rights and UNO Additional Important Questions and Answers

I. Choose the correct answer.

1. The Magna Carta of England released in the year ………………..
a) 1214
b) 1215
c) 1216
d) 1217
b) 1215

2. A document of France Stating the Rights of all citizens declared in the year ………………..
a) 1789
b) 1790
c) 1791
d) 1792
a) 1789

3. The US Constitution and Bill of Rights declared in the year ………………..
a) 1768
b) 1769
c) 1790
d) 1791
d) 1791

4. UNO has declared the year ……………….. as the international year of women.
a) 1970
b) 1978
c) 1979
d) 1980
b) 1978

5. The ……………….. is considered as an important national asset.
a) Resources
b) Education
c) Child
d) Welfare
c) child

6. The Juvenile Justice Act implemented in the year ………………..
a) 2000
b) 2001
c) 2010
d) 2012
a) 2000

7. The marriageable age for women is ………………..
a) 20
b) 21
c) 18
d) 22
c) 18

8. The ……………….. appoints the chairperson and other members of National Human Rights
a) President
b) Prime Minister
c) Chief Minister
d) Vice – President
a) President

9. UDHR has been translated into more than ……………….. languages.
a) 500
b) 510
c) 600
d) 610
a) 500

10. National Human Rights Commission has ……………….. divisions.
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 7
b) 5

II. Fill in the Blanks.

1. An act for the better Securing liberty of the subject in England is ………………..
The Habeas Corpus Act 1679

2. UNO was established on 24th October of ………………..

3. ……………….. is a milestone document in the history of Human rights.

4. ……………….. the first king of ancient persia, free the slaves.
Cyrus the Great

5. The decrees were recorded on a baked clay cylinder in the ……………….. language in ……………….. Script.
Akkadian, Cuneiform

6. ……………….. is the most translated document in the world.

7. ……………….. is known as modem International Magna carta.

8. ……………….. provides for children to develop in a healthy manner.
Article 39(f)

9. Child helpline number is ………………..

10. An International bill of rights of women adopted in the year ………………..

11. UNIFEM has worked since ……………….. to implement the Beijing Platform for Action.

12. In ……………….. the ……………….. world conference of Women held in Beijing.
1995, Fourth

13. ……………….. Protects the women workers.
The factory Act

14. ……………….. rights are creations of the Society.

15. ……………….. and ……………….. rights are human rights.
Women and girl’s

III. Match the following.

1. The Factory Acta) 1952
2. The Plantation Labour Actb) 1961
3. The Mines Actc) 1948
4. The Maternity benefit Actd) 2005
5. Domestic violence Acte) 1951


1. The Factory Actc)1948
2. The Plantation Labour Acte) 1951
3. The Mines Acta) 1952
4. The Maternity benefit Actb) 1961
5. Domestic violence Actd) 2005

State true or false:

1. UNO has declared 1980 as the International Year of Children.

2. The Act not ensures the right to women to inherit their parental property.

3. A set of basic right and freedoms has deep roots in European and American countries.

4. Cyrus the Great, the first king of ancient persia, free the slaves.

5. Child help line number is 109.

V. Consider the following statement and tick the appropriate answer;

1. 1) The Hindu Widow Remarriage Act 1856 Legalised widow remarriage.
2) The Hindu Successian Act 1956 ensures the right to women to inherit their parental property.
3) The plantation Labour Act protects the men workers.
4) The Factory Act 1998, protects the women workers,
a) 1 only
b) 2 and 4 are correct
c) 1 and 2 are correct
d) None of these
c) 1 and 2 are correct

2. Assertion: One of the greatest achievements of United Nations is the creation of human rights law.
Reason : To advance this goal, the UN established a commision on Human Rights, a) A is correct but R does not explain A
b) A is correct but R explains A
c) A and R are correct
d) A and R are Wrong
c) A and R are correct

3. Consider the following statements
1. UNO has declared 1978 as International year of women.
2. UNO has declared 1979 as the International year of children.
Which of the statements given above is /are correct?
a) 1 only b) 2 only c) Both a and b d) None
c) Both a and b

VI. Answer the following in one or two sentences

1. Define the Preamble of UDHR.

  • All men are bom free and all are equal in status and rights.
  • They are endowed with intelligence and conscience and obliged to promote the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all men..

2. Why December 10th is celebrated as Human Rights Day?

  • Human Rights Day is celebrated annually on 10th December every year.
  • It is to honour the United Nations General Assembly for declaring the human rights universally..

3. Explain about The Cyrus Cylinder’.

  • Cyrus the Great, the first king of ancient Persia, free the slaves and declared that all people had the right to choose their own religion and established racial equality.
  • These and other decrees were recorded on a baked clay cylinder in the Akkadian language in cuneiform script
  • It is translated into all six official languages of the United Nations and its provisions parallel the first four Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

4. Write short note on ‘State Human Rights Commission.

  • The State Human Rights Commission of Tamil Nadu was formed on 17th April, 1997.
  • It functions at the state level. It consists of three members including a Chairperson.
  • A state Human Rights Commission can inquire into violation of human rights related to subjects
    covered under State list and Concurrent list. .

5. Write three Non- govermental Organisations.
Amnesty International, Children’s Defense Fund, Human Rights Watch.

6. What are the Indian Constitution Articles for children?

  • Article 24 – prohibits child labour.
  • Article 39(f) – provides for children to develop in healthy manner.
  • Article 45 – provides that the state shall endeavor to provide early childhood care and education for all children until they complete the age of six years.

7. Write Short notes on Welfare of parents and Senior citizen Act?

  • This Act makes it legal obligation for children and heirs to provide maintenance to senior citizens and parents. Protection and support during old age are envisaged as human rights.
    8. What are the Legislations to protect women rights?
  • The Factory Act 1948
  • The Plantation Labour Act 1951
  • ‘ The Mines Act 1952
  • The Maternity benefit Act 1961

VII. Answer the following in detail.

1. Explain about the written Precursors of Human Rights Documents.

  • The Magna Carta of 1215 (England) – gave people new rights and made the king subject to the law.
  • The Petition of Right 1628 (England) – set out the rights of the people.
  • The Habeas Corpus Act of 1679 (England) – an act for the better securing liberty of the subject.
  • The English Bill of Rights of 1689 – set out certain basic civil rights.
  • The French Declaration on the Rights of Man and Citizen 1789 – a document of France, stating that all citizens are equal under the law.
  • The US Constitution and Bill of Rights 1791 – safeguards the rights of the citizens..

2. Explain about National Human Rights Commission.

  • The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of India was established on 12th October, 1993. It is an independent statutory, and non-constitutional body.
  • Its headquarter is located in New Delhi. NHRC is a multi- member body which consists of a Chairperson and other members.
  • The President appoints the Chairperson and other members.
  • They are appointed for 5 years or till the age of 70 years whichever is earlier.
  • NHRC has five divisions. Law Division, Investigation Division, Policy Research & Programmes Division, Training Division and Administrative Division.
    < The National Human Rights Commission is responsible for the protection and promotion of human rights in India.

3. Write an essay about women Rights.

  • Women and girl’s rights are human rights.
  • Women are entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of all of their human rights and to be free from all forms of discrimination.
  • This is fundamental to achieve human rights, peace and security and sustainable development.
  • The Charter of the United Nations guarantees equal rights to both women and men.
  • The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), adopted in 1979 by the UN General Assembly, is described as an International bill of rights for women.
  • In 1995 the Fourth World Conference of Women, held in Beijing, developed a Platform for Action to * recognise women’s rights and improve women’s livelihood worldwide.